5.shopping for school

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As a result of the news of Tom's inheritance they didn't finish their shopping for school supplies so Hadrian planned on a trip to diagon alley to continue their shopping..
:' go get dressed we will go to diagon alley' Hadrian said not looking up from the parchment in his hand
:'why?' Tom asked and Hadrian glared at him..
:'do i have to physically punish you?' Hadrian said looking at tom coldly
:'no.. but don't I deserve to know at least why are we going out?' Tom asked not meeting Hadrian's eyes..
:'.. my words are the law for you.. you don't ask why you obey' Hadrian said holding back his anger.. why must his Tom be so difficult.. 
:'to buy your school supplies.. happy now? Go' Hadrian said and tom just nodded and went to change his clothes .. he needs to be careful.. an angry Hadrian isn't good.. he went back to the living room to find Hadrian standing by the fire place waiting for him..
his clothes were normal.. he didn't think he wore anything special.. but Hadrian's gaze on him was intense possessive.. like he was the most precious treasure Hadrian have..yet a cheap whore that has no purpose other than pleasing his master.. he shivered feelings the intense gaze and shook his head.. he can't understand himself anymore.. what's happening.. he didn't know..
:'.. you look good.. so pretty.. as expected from my tom' Hadrian said casually like he was stating a fact.. Tom knew he was handsome.. but in his cheap muggle clothes.. he was barely good looking.. and he never knew the word pretty can be a description of him.. but he couldn't deny or doubt it.. actually Hadrian's sincerity made him believe it..
:'you are always good looking but these clothes aren't good for you.. my own need the finest clothes in the world' Hadrian said approaching him and tom took a step back.. Hadrian smirked and leaned  whispering in his ears
:'do you want to look good for me doll'
:'y.yes..' Tom said stuttering not realizing what he said..
:'let's go then..' Hadrian said apparating them to diagon alley
:'first your robes' Hadrian said leading them to madam malkins
:'madam malkins is known for her clothes.. she has all kinds of qualities.. but unknown to most she has a private branch of work for special people..' Hadrian said and tom nodded wondering how did Hadrian know this.. they entered the shop
:'hello dear.. school robes I assume?' A woman asked and Hadrian smirked
:'yes for me.. and we will take a new whole wardrobe for him' Hadrian said and the woman smiled
:'ok I will get the catalogs so you can choose the materials' the woman said and Hadrian stopped her smirking
:'no.. I will actually prefer to go hunting.. maybe a dragon? What do you say?' Hadrian said and the woman's eyes widened then she smiled
:'it's been a while since I met such a courageous ambitious young man.. I say you are in the right place.. your wardrobe will be ready tomorrow.. can I take his measurements?' The woman asked and Hadrian nodded
:'go on tom' Hadrian said and tom walked to the woman.. he was speechless..
After the clothes shopping they went for the school books
:'can I have one more book beside the school ones?..' Tom said.. normally he will take any book he wants but now everything he has is in Hadrian's hands.. so he needs permission..
:'.. no' Hadrian said picking the last school book they needed..
:' why..?' Tom asked and Hadrian glared at him sternly
:'sorry..' Tom said remembering that he was not allowed to question Hadrian's decisions.. such a control freak.. Tom doesn't want to listen to him but he knew it's not a wise choice to anger him.. after all Hadrian now is his guardian.. and he was sure Hadrian is stronger than him.. even if he wasn't tom can't hurt his bloody dominant..
:'any book you want.. every single information you need.. I have a huge library so you can read whatever you want.. this cheap book isn't good for you doll.. you can take any rare book from my library' Hadrian said as he paid for the school books and exited the bookstore
:'thank you..' Tom said.. he was really grateful.. now he can search whatever he want..
After that they went for lunch.. they ate in silence with Hadrian's gaze fixed on tom.. then they went to buy potions ingredients and a new equipments for Tom.. who was stunned at the very good quality..
Finally Hadrian wanted to buy tom a pet.. he knew tom wasn't allowed to bring snakes.. even though the other students were allowed.. that's not fair for his Tom and his Tom deserves everything .. and that includes the world itself
:'I'm not allowed to bring a snake' Tom said
:'well now you are' Hadrian said and they entered the pet shop
:'hello how may I help you' a man asked
:'where can we find snakes?' Hadrian asked and the man nodded leading them inside where they saw snakes in many forms and kinds..
:'choose one' Hadrian said looking at tom
Tom looked at the snakes and saw a dark green viper with red eyes.. he didn't know snakes can have red eyes but he liked the snake.. he approached it
:'hello little one' he said in parseltongue
:'a sspeaker.. hello' the snake said
:'do you want to come with me?' Tom asked.. he took a liking to the snake..
;'yes speaker.. take me' the snake said and tom smiled .. then he looked at Hadrian
:'.. this one.. can I?' Tom asked.. he really liked the snake.. he is ready to beg for it
:'of course..' Hadrian said and tom approached the snake and opened the cage as the snake slithered on his arms..
:'do you have a name little one?' Tom asked
:'no speaker.. i don't ' the snake said and tom looked thoughtful for a moment
:'then you will be Sirius' Tom said and Hadrian couldn't hold back his laugh.. how hilarious.. if his godfather knew the dark lord's chosen snake was named after him..
:'something funny?' Tom asked confused
:'nah.. just remembered someone I knew with that name' Hadrian said and tom looked more confused..
:'.. Sirius..  I knew someone named Sirius' Hadrian said explaining 
:'.. I'm sure I didn't say that in English.. you can speak to snakes?' Tom said shocked
:'.. didn't you read it in my inheritance test?' Hadrian said looking at tom
:'.. I was so shocked by the other informations.. i didn't pay attention.. that's cool.. someone like me.. I'm not the only one'.. Tom smiled at that thought..
:'.. well yeah good for you' Hadrian chuckled and turned to look around and saw a cage covered with black cover..
:' what's in there?' He asked and the shopkeeper looked terrified..
:'.. a snake.. unknown race.. it's venom is so dangerous.. it can evaporate even unbreakable metals.. and it's so unfriendly.. ten wizards wanted to catch it.. seven died.. two was injured and still in coma and one.. the one who brought it here.. have ugly scars and lost an arm..' he explained stuttering
:'I want it..' Hadrian said and the shopkeeper was stunned and afraid to even approach the cage..
Hadrian chuckled darkly and approached the cage leaning closer and smiling at a black snake with two different eyes... an emerald green one and a yellow one
:'hey beautiful ' Hadrian said
:'.. a speaker.. finally I thought I will die in this disgusting cage' the snake said
:'well if you didn't kill anyone who approaches you .. you wouldn't die here' Hadrian said smiling
:'they are all idiots.. if I choose a master it will be a powerful one' the snake said
:'am I?' Hadrian asked looking amused
:'are you kidding me? You are literally a GOD if you are not powerful then fuck me if there's someone who deserves to be called powerful' the snake said and that earned Hadrian's smile and tom's laugh
:'well you are going with me I like you' Hadrian said..
:'yes I will.. I won't survive staying here' the snake said slithering in Hadrian's hand
:'well that went well' Hadrian said paying for the snakes and exiting the shop..
:'that's all for today time to go back home tom' Hadrian said as he pulled tom closer by his waist and apparated them to the manor..
;'go put your new things in your room' Hadrian said and tom nodded going to his room thinking ..

               Why in hell do I obey this man?

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