7.truth and claiming

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Tom was a little bit less disobedient than before.. he didn't fight.. but he didn't obey completely .. Hadrian decided to tolerate this kind of behavior.. and tom? He was still searching for answers.. did he know that his answer will come sooner than he thought?.. obviously he didn't.. the only thing he didn't actually like after his punishment was that he returned to his room.. he liked Hadrian's warm bed.. he loved feeling safe in his arms.. and he wondered if he gave himself to Hadrian will he be able to share his bed? he liked that idea.. he hoped Hadrian won't reject it

Hadrian was working in his office while Tom was reading a book in the living room.. even if he was a student Hadrian was now lord to several titles.. he have a lot of work to do.. Tom found Hadrian's library really interesting.. he was interested in many books... while he was reading.. an owl came.. gave him a letter then left.. he knew the letter was for Hadrian so he marked his book and went to Hadrian's office.. he knocked the door and heard a small "come in" he stepped in the office and sat down on the chair in Front of Hadrian's desk
:'what is it?' Hadrian asked looking up from his work to Tom..
:'a letter came to you ' Tom said holding out the letter for Hadrian who looked at it and noticed the ministry seal
:'it must be my mastery tests results.. open it I already knew the results' Hadrian said looking back at his work..
:'mastery tests? You are 16!' Tom said opening the letter.. and his eyes widened
:'.. this.. this.. is like 7 masteries.. potions .. defense arts.. and many others.. how can you.. I had the best results hogwarts knew since its foundation.. but with these.. I'm nothing in front of you.. amazing!' Tom said his eyes shining
:'that's nothing.. i actually held back myself while doing the tests.. I know everything.. mere tests can't evaluate me' Hadrian said not looking up from his work and with a very calm and not interested voice like he was talking about the weather
:'how!' Tom yelled and Hadrian looked at him sternly
:'sorry.. I'm just excited' Tom said
:'no problem' Hadrian said taking out some parchments from the drawer.. it's his inheritance test..he gave Tom the real test.. it was finally the time.. Tom must know the truth.. he will take their relationship to the next step.. he will claim his Tom Tonight
He watched as Tom's eyes grew wide with horror as he read the parchment.. he looked at Hadrian then at he parchment again.. then he started shaking.. this man was more than dangerous .. this man can destroy the word with a flick of his hand and no one will have time to even beg for mercy.. this man chose him.. this man.. this gorgeous god-like man wants him..
:'..Tom?' Hadrian said after some minutes of silence.. was tom ok?
:'I.. I'm sorry.. I'm just stunned.. please forgive me.. ma..may I know.. what am I to.. y.you?' Tom asked and Hadrian smirked
:'you are my everything tom.. you were the reason of my everything.. my journey of 100000 years started with you and will end with you.. of course that if it have an end.. I'm immortal..' Tom was again stunned.. he meant a lot to such ancient powerful God?..
:'can you tell.. me?' Tom asked not sure if he was allowed to ask.. Hadrian smiled and told him everything happened after his suicide attempt.. he avoided telling tom his life as Harry Potter..  it's still early for that..
:'you know everything? That's absolutely amazing..' Hadrian chuckled.. his Tom is still the little boy who has a huge thirst for knowledge..
:'yes.. so if you have anything you wanna know about I'm always ready to provide information that even most rare and valuable book won't provide'... Tom literally squeaked with happiness..
:'.. your story is not complete is it?' Tom asked.
:'you are right but it's not the right time for the rest.. come on you need to rest.. tomorrow you are going to have a busy day'.. Hadrian said patting his tom's head..
:'.. m.master?' Tom said and to say Hadrian is surprised was an understatement.. Hadrian was stunned but happy too.. this title meant that tom accepted their relationship..
:'yes, my own?' Hadrian said smiling at tom
:'.. am I allowed.. in your bed?' Tom said.. and Hadrian was sure that tom was determined to shock him..
:'yes my doll.. you behaved well these last days and you earned a place beside me on my bed' Hadrian said and tom hugged him
:'thank you master' Tom said as Hadrian hugged him back.. they went into Hadrian's room..they showered together and Hadrian grinned at tom's faces.. the shy face when he took off his clothes and the lust face when he saw Hadrian's body.. after the shower tom went to bed..waited while Hadrian completed his work on the desk
After one hour Hadrian went to bed to see a naked tom waiting for him
:'you didn't sleep yet?' Hadrian asked
:'.. I waited for you.. and I hope you will be using me for the first time tonight master' Tom said
:'.. you know that when it finally happens you will never be allowed to hide that body from me..you will be completely mine'.. Hadrian said removing his clothes
:'yes master I know' Tom said kneeling on the floor then bowing his head tilting it to the side baring his neck to Hadrian
:'that's it..' Hadrian said bending over and biting his neck so hard then drinking his blood.. after that he picked tom up.. threw him on the bed
:'on all fours' he said and tom obeyed immediately.. Hadrian smacked his ass twice then grabbed his ass cheeks spreading them open
:'you won't have any lubrication little slut' he said then pushed his monstrous dick inside tom's tight hole ..
Tom screamed as he felt his hole stretching and blood dripping.. Hadrian kept fucking him restless setting a monstrous pace.. tom's screams were getting louder as he touched the bulge forming in his belly he wondered if men can get pregnant in the Wizarding world.. Hadrian was cumming in him again.. he didn't keep the count.. but he liked the feeling of being used like a cockslut.. like a whore .. he couldn't utter a single coherent sentence but he kept begging for release
:'m.master.. please please.. can I cum.. may I cum.. please master let your little whore cum.. please.. I need it i need it .. please master..' he was a mess .. his belly full of his master's cum.. his mind was absent.. all he could think about was pleasing his master..
:'I'm cumming in you again doll' Hadrian said
:'oh yes yes oh my God..  yes please impregnate me.. I wanna bear you child.. I wanna be a mother.. I want to be the mother of your children.. please master.. I'm yours.. I will be whatever you want.. please.. I want your babies..' Tom begged as he felt his master thrust so deep in him and release his hot cum in his womb.. oh how he loved this feeling.. only existing to serve his master..
:'last round little bitch.. I may let you cum if you are good' Hadrian said smirking at his work on tom's body.. several bite marks.. many hickeys.. his cum all over him.. his Tom is finally with him
:' yes master I will be good.. I'm good ..this lowly slave will be whatever master wishes it to be.. I'm your toy.. your plaything.. please use me master' Tom begged as he felt his hole stretch more swallowing his master's dick
:'open your mouth pup' Hadrian said and tom obeyed opening his mouth and hanging out his tongue..
:' good boy' Hadrian said putting three of his long fingers in tom's mouth.. Tom didn't move at all.. he didn't have permission.. Hadrian was pleased and trusted his fingers deeper fucking tom's throat at the same pace his dick fucking tom's asshole
Tom was moaning.. gagging at the fingers but soon enough his gag reflexes died leaving his moaning .. he couldn't breath.. nor move.. he will be killed.. but his master is a God... he can easily revive him.. then use him again.. he is merely a toy for his master.. Tom doubted he will ever be able to live without his master.. he will be destroyed if master leaves him.. that makes him only more determined to please his master
:'I'm close pet' his master said thrusting inside him so roughly and fast.. his master leaned toward him biting his neck again.. the pinching his nipple biting the other one.. Hadrian withdraw his fingers and flipped Tom so he was laying on his stomach.. he grabbed tom's hair moving inside him faster and biting the back of his neck.. he let go of Tom's hair and grabbed his hip with one hand using the other hand to spank his ass cheeks until it was purple.. he thrusts one last deep thrust and cum inside Tom again.. after that he pull out his dick and summoned a huge buttplug and pushed it inside Tom.. 
:'this will not be removed until I say otherwise.. understood' Hadrian orderd sternly
:'y.yes master.. whatever you say m.master' Tom said his body shaking so hard
:'on you knees' Hadrian orderd and tom moved to the floor kneeling in front of Hadrian
:'clean it for me' Hadrian said and tom opened his mouth and started cleaning his master's dick as if his life depends on this.. he sucked the monster not minding his own asshole juices.. he cleaned it , sucked it, licked it until his master ordered him to stop..
Hadrian looked at Tom..  his Tom was a mess.. he finally got his Tom..
Tom looked at his master.. he was finally used.. this God wanted him.. and tom was so happy to serve, to worship this God.. he bent down until his head touched the floor
:'thank you so much my God.. my master for using me.. for choosing me.. I'm honored.. I swear I will be your good toy.. I'm grateful.. thank you master' Tom said then kissed Hadrian's feet
Hadrian was really happy with his Tom..  he picked his doll up then took him to the bathroom.. they washed themselves and Hadrian waved his hand changing the bed sheets then laid on the bed hugging his Tom
:'you are so good for me.. continue like that and I won't have any reason to punish you' he said then kissed Tom who immediately gave in letting Hadrian dominate the kiss..
:'thank you master.. I will be good.. I will make you proud of me' Tom said hugging his master.. Hadrian smiled at his little kitty.. after that they both fell asleep hugging each other

        Finally everything is in its right place

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