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your friendly neighborhood author just applied for another job on top of my already 2 active ones...i guess y'all can say i am a busy bee☺️

i should be writing my application essay, but instead we are doing some for later chapters...🤭

not proofread because i've been ✨busy✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: angst, mentions of death, mentions of murder, trauma talks, swearing, fighting
word count: 3781


Y/n could feel her heart drop out of her chest. It was like Emily went ahead and stomped on it, ensuring it never would beat again.

"What is the possibility of that even happening?" Tara asked and furrowed her eyebrows. The rest of the team all shrugged their shoulders. "How did the labs miss that?"

"Since that creep guy was trying to pass of another cadaver as Y/n, he got in trouble, and the entire lab went under investigation by police. They must have just rushed through the process of getting Dallas's cadaver out because of their new situation," JJ said and shook her head. "Also, it wasn't Emily who signed off on the report. Ryan did before he got fired."

"But they should have notified Emily if the fingerprints didn't match," Luke said and placed his hands on his hips. "Why didn't they reach out?"

"But this is a good thing that we found it, right?" Penelope asked and nervously played with her fingertips. "The police can have Dallas's picture posted around the city and—"

"Aggravate her further into making a move. This is a high risk and unpredictable situation," Tara said and looked around at all the agents in the room. They all gave some nonverbal agreement with Tara. "The only thing this is good for is that we know. Dallas can't do a surprise attack if we already know about her being alive."

"Wait," Y/n said and held a hand out. "Dallas is the one that's still alive? Not the twin?"

The entire room went quiet as Y/n felt her world crashing down. Their silence was an answer—a loud, crystal clear, gut wrenching answer.


"You said she had a twin," Y/n said and turned her attention to Emily. The older woman rolled her shoulders back and sighed deeply. "You—You never said that Dallas—I thought this was a vengeful act on the twin's part. She's—She's alive? Dallas is alive? The twin is the one that died?"

Y/n could feel herself start to panic. She could feel the room closing in on her as her breathing quickened. Emily knelt down in front of her and placed a hand on her girlfriend's face. Y/n could see her lips moving, but the sound wasn't registering. A high pitch ringing was blocking out Emily's attempt to get her to calm down. Emily guided Y/n onto the floor and to put her head between her knees.

Y/n didn't realize she was crying until she felt her shoulders shake involuntary. Emily managed to calm Y/n down and get her to rest her head against her chest. Emily held her head still as she practiced breathing exercises with her.

"Agent Prentiss?" a voice said from the door. The entire team looked over at Anderson. He cleared his throat and turned towards the team. "The owner of the club is here."

"Where is she?" Candy said from behind Anderson. She pushed her way into the door when her heart dropped. She hated seeing Y/n like this. "Y/n."

"Get out," Emily said and held onto Y/n tighter. Candy raised her eyebrows and looked around the room for someone to correct Emily. "Anderson, get her out of here. I don't understand why you thought it was a wise decision to let her up here."

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