Yusei gently caressed Ruri's hair. He clenched his jaw as he checked the time. "Why is it taking so long? Shouldn't the King have appeared by now?"
Reina waved her finger. "I said if he appears, not when. Do pay attention, young man.
I never guaranteed it would actually work. It's all up to Kizuna Chiyoko." A sinister smile crossed Reina's lips. "And we both know how reliable she is..."
Ruri sniffed. "I believe in Chiyoko-chan. She can do it." She focused on straightening Yusei's kimono as she continued: "But is there some way to check if she's alright back then? Just to be sure..."
"For that," Reina said, "the new location of the Pebble has to be found and we don't know if that part of history has already been rewritten.
My guess is to just wait a bit longer and if time hasn't caught up in let's say 24 hours, you can all go on your wild Pebble chase."
Reverend Sei gently patted Ruri's head. "Let us keep faith in Chi, but indeed take precautions.
Where can we find more information about the Pebble? What it looks like? How to find it?"
Reina gracefully stretched her arms as she crossed them over her lap. "The Library of the Elders is yours to use. For now."
Reina got up and walked to reverend Sei. She gently caressed her face as she looked her daring in the eyes. "But are you sure it's the Pebble that truly interests you? The Library is filled with all the knowledge in the world. All that power is there to grab.
Can't I seduce you to more... interesting subjects?"
Reverend Sei removed Reina's hand using her fingertips. Reverend Sei's expression turned cold. "Getting my daughter safely back is the only thing that interests me."
Reina placed her hand on her chest as she moved her head back like a seal and barked: "As you wish."
Megumi guided a young boy to Chiyoko. "Here he is, little girl."
Chiyoko looked annoyed at the boy. He was wearing beige shorts and a navy blue shirt. Something about him seemed even more familiar than the woman.
Megumi continued: "This is our pride and joy: Kenji. Kenji, this is the girl next door. What was your name again, little girl?"
Chiyoko stared wide eyed at Kenji. Is this really... him? He's rather cute. What the fluff happened to him?!
"Little girl?"
"Hm? What?"
"Your name?"
"Kizuna Chiyoko."
"Well, Kizuna Chiyoko," Megumi said, "Don't go breaking my little boy's heart." Megumi winked. She then pushed Kenji towards Chiyoko. "Now go have fun you two while we mommies bond."
Reina pushed aside the scroll depicting the Tale of Their Values hanging against the wall in the Courtroom. A massive rich yellow door appeared. She pushed it open with all her might.
"Welcome to the Library," she said.
The Library of the Yokai was a low never ending room filled to the brim with books.
Cognac coloured shelves had collapsed under the weight of all that knowledge and rested on the books underneath. On the top shelves books had been piled upon books and more books were crammed in every bit of space left.
The musty smell revealed that the place hadn't been used much the past few centuries.
Reina waved away the smell. "Have fun wasting your time."
Yusei, Ruri and reverend Sei entered.
Yusei gasped. "Where do we start?"
Reverend Sei walked over to a shelf. Her hand slid over the leather spines as she examined them carefully. "None of them has a title written on them. We'll have to open them all."
Her face turned cold. "Alright," she said, "one person brings all the books. Another one searches for the title and divides the books into three piles: yes, maybe and no. And the last one starts reading the books of the yes pile."
Ruri held up her hand. "I'll read the books!"
Yusei gently caressed her hair. "I'll bring the books."
Reverend Sei nodded. "Then I'll make the piles."
Ruri squeaked: "Let's go!"
Chiyoko: The 1 000 Generations Child
FantastiqueChiyoko, daughter of the Royal Yokai family, spends her days pranking people. But when a prank goes wrong and harms the powerful Kami Community, the 1 000 generations child gets sentenced to 1 000 acts of kindness. Will she succeed at doing 1 000 a...