The Prophecy of a New Timeline

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One thing Harry didn't know is that the prophecy orb was not just any other prophecy orb that held a recorded prophecy. The orb was ancient magic lost to time, the only one of its kind. It could make its own prophecies all of which never failed to come true, no matter how vague. This orb was the family secret. But, Harry showed it to Tom.

As for the prophecy. It went like this "_________________________________________". It was clearly audible but the words were hard to decipher. Maybe it was in some ancient language that neither Harry or Tom knew. Thankfully, they had the foresight to record  the message because after the prophecy was read out the orb stopped working.

There was a brief silence before both Harry and Tom looked at each other. They came to an agreement to decipher what the prophecy was together. Harry who had recorded it, used magic to store the recording in a page of a diary he had bought from a muggle bookshop in this timeline. It was a simple trick that he had picked up from one of the books that he had newly acquired.

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