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𝐘𝐎𝐔 let out a long, impatient sigh, walking up the stairs for the third time this morning. When you reached your brother's room, you banged your hand against the door, not as hard as you can, but loud enough to make him jump. "Get your ass out of bed, Leo!"

"I am out of bed!" He called back to you. "Well, I don't hear your feet touching the ground!"

When you hear the familiar plopping of feet, you move away from his door, satisfied. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes when it comes to getting ready.  You always have to wake him up and make sure he gets to the bus on time. If he misses it, he has to take the train, and you have to go with him, and then you're late for work.

After a solid twenty minutes he spent doing his typical routine, he joined you downstairs for breakfast. As he ate his cereal, he read some of his favorite comics, like usual. His eating was rushed, with him cramming his cereal down his throat.

"Oi, be careful! You'll choke!" You scolded him. He just waved you off, continuing to eat.

Once he finished his food, he packed up his backpack with everything he needed, except for his lunch, of course. He always forgets his lunch, and you have to give it to him when he's going out the door.

You handed him the bento you made for him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Have a good day, okay? Love you!"

"Yeah, love you too!" He rushed out the door, rubbing his head, wiping away your kiss. "Hey, I saw that!"

You shouted through the door at him. He waved you off in response, rushing to school. You grinned to yourself, shaking your head. That kid's going to be the death of you.

It's just you and Leo, and it's been like that for years. Ever since your father left, anyways.

After you finished getting ready, you left your home, locking the door behind you. You popped your earbuds into your ears, playing some music as you walked off, preparing for the long day ahead.


You stopped and stared at the building looming above you, unplugging your headphones and shoving them into your purse. Sometimes, you wish your workday could be over before it even begins.

It's not that you don't like your job. You do, for the most part. You work as a paralegal for very notorious law firms, under one of the best attorneys in Japan.

Hiroshi Hamada. He's incredible, hardworking, talented, and very persuasive. He's won almost every case that's been thrown at him. The only problem is that he's a major prick.

Taking a deep breath, you entered the office building. When you got inside, you walked over to the elevator, pressing the "up" button.

Just when the doors were about to shut, a familiar voice called out, and you managed to press the open door button in the nick of time. In came Mai, your best friend, pushing a rather large cart.

"Thanks." She said breathlessly, grinning at you. You smiled back. "Starting the rounds already, huh?"

"Yeah, I stayed late sorting the mail last night so I could get a head start on delivering it. The less time I spend working the more I can spend studying." She replied.

"Nice, work smarter not harder right?" You told her, making her giggle and nod.

You and Mai are close friends. She's the only one here who doesn't treat you like you're beneath her, even though she knows that you don't have a quirk.

It shouldn't even affect your job, considering most of the cases you handle are civil and have nothing to do with quirks. Unfortunately, when most people find out, they lose respect for you and treat you like shit. It's something you've grown used to at this point, and you know you can't fight it.

But Mai's one of the good ones. Unfortunately, she started a little later than you, so she has to work a little longer in the mail room before she can finish online classes, get her degree and join you. (The law firm you work at pays for an online law degree, which is nice.)

Not to mention the constant bias against you, and her for being friends with you. They held you back for a while even after you got your degree and lord knows how much they'll be holding her back. Hopefully not as long as they did for you.

The elevator for the second floor dinged, and she stepped out. "Have fun with the assholes. I'll see you later."

"I will!" You called back, watching as she walked off, grinning at you over her shoulder. As she left, a rather large group of people stepped on, giving you the same old judgmental looks.

And so it begins.


"Good morning, Mr.Hamada, here are the client files for the Suzuki case." You greeted him politely, handing him the papers.

You rocked on your feet anxiously, watching as he went through the papers, awaiting his answer. You knew there was nothing he could yell at you for. You gave him these days before it was due, and you had it all formatted and filed perfectly. Still, you couldn't help but fear it.

After eyeing the paper a little more, he put it down on the table, and you let a mental sigh of relief, knowing he wasn't going to say anything. You're long past the point of wanting to be complimented or acknowledged for your work because you know that will never happen. At this point, your managing to walk out of the office without criticism is a win.

"I need you to prepare these documents for a hearing next week. Pay close attention to detail, and don't rush it like last time." With that, you nodded, taking the papers and leaving his office.


Like usual, you lost track of time and wound up working three hours after closing. You just get so sucked into your work, you barely even realize what's happening. It wasn't until you saw the cleaning crew walk in, that you realized it was time to go.

As you walked out of the building, you checked your phone, (you shut it off while you were at work, to avoid distractions) noticing you had four missed calls from Leo. That was strange. Normally he knew when you were at work, you responded better to email, and when he did call it was only once or twice.

So, you called him back. The phone rang twice before he picked up. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I was just wondering what you were up to." Everything is not fine. His voice was shaking slightly, and he was speaking in a tone he only uses when he's upset or scared and is trying to hide it.

"Well, I just got off work and I was thinking about stopping by the grocery store to get a couple of things. I could get some of that mochi you like." You offered, hoping that would cheer him up. It didn't.

"No, just come home, please." He begged. "Alright, well, I'll be there in a bit and we can talk then, okay?"

"Okay." With that, you ended the call, frowning to yourself.

Something is definitely wrong.


A/N: Yep, starting off strong with a lil cliff hanger hehe

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