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"𝐈𝐅 we're gonna do this, we have to set some ground rules first." Bakugou paused, looking over at you. "What are you wearing?"

You were sitting in front of a mirror, putting in your earrings. You had on a pencil skirt and button-up blouse, with black pantyhose and heels, and some light, but noticeable makeup. You shrugged in response. "Gotta dress to impress."

If you were being honest, it had been far too long since you had gotten dressed up, and since you were going back today, might as well leave an impression. You'll look good while you kick ass and help with cases.

"But continue, I'm listening." You finished putting in your earrings, turning to face him.

"First of all, the only place you're allowed to go to is work. You go to and from, and that's it. I'll drive you to and back from work, and I'll walk you in and pick you up when you leave. Obviously, you're not allowed to talk about any of this. Not to your friends or coworkers, no one. Don't trust anyone. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it." You replied. None of this was new information to you, but you knew he had to tell you. It was just annoying. You wanted to go back to your normal life, and he had to remind you of the constant restrictions you had.

"Now, you better hurry up and go eat breakfast. We're leaving in twenty minutes." You rolled your eyes. Now he's just being a stickler. "I'll be there in a second."

"What's with the sunglasses?" You asked as you got into the passenger seat of the car. "It's for the job. I have to be incognito so no one can recognize me."

You smirked at that. "So wearing sunglasses makes you unrecognizable? I'm just saying, anyone can tell it's you from that hair. It's kind of your signature."

He rolled his eyes at you, opening the glove compartment and revealing a baseball cap and face mask to further conceal his identity. He pulled out the cap and put it on his head, hiding his blonde spiky locks. "Better?"

"A little." You shrugged with a grin.

The drive wasn't too bad, just a little longer than your typical commute. As you walked over to the building, Bakugou followed after you, hot on your heels.

"Is this necessary?" You mumbled to him, feeling very irritated. You felt like a little kid who needed their mom's hand to cross the street. "The Commission clearly stated that I need to follow you inside. They want to take every precaution possible. Trust me, I don't want to do this."

You pressed the up button to the elevator, sighing softly. "Do you have to follow me to my desk, too?"

"No.." Before you could finish your conversation, you heard a familiar voice call out your name. It was Mai.

"Oh my god, ______? Is that you?" She rushed over, abandoning her mail cart and throwing her arms around you. You gestured for Bakugou to leave as you hugged her back.

"It's been so long! What happened? Where have you been?" You sighed, watching as Bakugou left, his words still strong in your mind. "It's a long story."

The two of you stepped into the elevator, and she glanced over her shoulder, watching Bakugou leave, before turning back to face you. She wiggled her eyebrows, a big grin crossing her lips. "Who was that?"

"Nobody." You replied, knowing exactly where this was going. "Girl, you have to tell me something. What's going on? You just fell off the face of the Earth for the past two months. You look amazing, by the way."

What did you say to her? What could you say to her? Would she believe you?

"Some messed up stuff happened..that I'd rather not go into detail about..But uh, that guy you saw, he's my friend and he's been helping me out." It wasn't really a lie, and it was all you could tell her.

"Oh, ______, I'm so sorry. If you need anything, let me know. I'll always be there for you." She placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You smiled at that. "Thanks, Mai. That means a lot."

"Of course. But seriously, are you sleeping with him? I mean, I wouldn't blame you. He's hot. I mean that body, and that face...and he drove you in to work and walked you inside? What a gentleman." She ranted.

That caused your face to get all hot. "No I'm not sleeping with him, okay? Seriously, he's just a friend."

"Why not sleep with him? I mean, when was the last time you've slept with anyone? This could be good for you...I mean, unless you're not in good mental shape for that of course. What I mean is..why not have some fun? I know I would.."

"You sound like you need to get laid more than I do." You deflected, trying to change the subject.

You and Bakugou are hardly even friends. Yeah, he's attractive, and he isn't horrible to live with, but you wouldn't sleep with him. That would only further complicate things and make everything worse. Plus, he's not your type.

A bell from the elevator dinged, signaling that you reached your floor, and ending your conversation. After saying your goodbyes, you walked out to the office. The momentary relief you felt from avoiding that conversation was instantly filled with dread when you felt everyone's eyes on you.

Now you're going to have to deal with Hamada. Even better.

You wanted this. Now you're going to have to deal with it. You reminded yourself as you took a deep breath, walking over the door. After a moment of mental preparation, you reached over and knocked on his door.

"Mr.Hamada? It's ______." You told him through the door. There was a brief moment of silence before he replied. "Come in."

"I'm back. Did you miss me?" You joked, trying to lighten the mood. He wasn't amused.

"The HPSC had notified me of your return. While we had some interns doing your work, there's still a lot you missed and have to catch up on."

"Right away, sir." You nodded.

It's good to be back.

(A/N: Thanks for reading!

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