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𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 a deep breath, Bakugou gives your door a couple of knocks. When there's no response, he knocks again. This time, he hears some shuffling. You open the door, revealing your tired figure.

"Hey..were you sleeping?" He asked. "Was trying to."

He cocked an eyebrow at you. It was noon, and you were still sleeping, not even waking up for breakfast like you normally did. He didn't know if he should be more worried or judgmental.

He decided to go with the former. "Well, I'll just let you sleep, but when you're ready, come out. I'd like to talk to you."

That made you pause, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Seriously? You gonna apologize for being an asshole?"

"Yeah, actually." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. You stared at him for a long couple of moments, making sure he was serious, before stepping out of your room and shutting the door behind yourself, hearing him out.

"I know things have been hard for you, and living here has been...an adjustment, for both of us..So I'm sorry for being a...a prick. I'm just very particular about stuff and I should be more patient and empathetic."

"Thank you. And I'll make sure to clean up after myself...I've just got a lot on my mind, and I forget sometimes." You replied. "But, I do think we need to come to a compromise about the groceries thing."

"Do you know how bad all that junk food is for you? It'll clog up your arteries in a second. I'm doing you a favor." He remarked.

"No, you're being a food snob and a control freak." You shot back. "Alright, don't push it."

You giggled at that, smiling at him. He smiled back. You'll discuss the food thing later.  "Well, I guess I'll let you sleep the rest of the day away-"

"Bakugou, wait." You called out to him, stopping him. He turned back to face you, an inquisitive look on his face. "I just wanted to say thank you for what happened back at my apartment. I was kind of an ungrateful jerk about it, but you really did save my life. So..thanks."

"Don't thank me. I was just doing my job." He replied, making you frown. "Ugh, don't start with that humble 'heroic duty' bullshit. You can take the thanks or not, I don't care, but I'm still thanking you."

He smirked in response. He hasn't met anyone like you before. You're one of a kind, for sure. "Alright."

"Okay, well, I'm going to head back to bed, but I'll talk to you later." You told him, shutting the door, and leaving him standing in the hallway, grinning to himself.

Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as he thought.


Ever since that conversation, your relationship with Bakugou improved. You both actually got along, compared to when you first met. While you two still did argue and butt head quite a bit, you could stand each other's presence and spend time together. You even work out together now and then.

Today was no different, with you jabbing at Bakugou's hand pads. "Uppercut, straight, straight." He instructed you, your hands moving in sync, dodging when you needed to.

"Good. Let's take five." He told you, once you had finished. You slipped off your gloves and grabbed your water bottle, taking long sips.

"You know, you're better at this than I expected you to be." He lied. He had seen the trophies Johnathan kept and knew you were a good fighter. He just wanted to get under your skin, and it worked.

You rolled your eyes at him. "I studied a couple of different martial arts. Boxing, Karate, Judo, and Jujitsu. I wanted to be a UFC fighter when I was little, but my Dad never let me. Said it was 'too dangerous.'"

You frowned at the thought, growing quiet for a moment, before continuing. "Trust me, you should've seen when I was fighting those guys that night we met. I was kicking their asses..If it weren't for their quirks, it would've been a completely different story. And you know what? I bet I could kick your ass too."

"We'll see about that. I'll have to take you up on it, sometime." You would do it right now, but you were exhausted from the intense session you just had, and it was your turn to have Bakugou hit your pads.

As you instructed his punches, you found yourself getting lost in thought, thinking about quirks..if you had one, why haven't you activated it yet? Did your father know about it? Was he just lying to you all along? Was that why he left?

The doubts and questions were getting to you, eating at you like they always did. The next thing you knew, you were lunging at Bakugou hard, going harder than he expected, and moving to punch him, which he blocked with his forearm.

"What the hell, _____?" He snapped, annoyed and confused as to why you suddenly jumped at him. That pulled you out of your thoughts, making you realize what you were doing.  "Oh, shit, sorry."

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing how upset you were. "It's nothing, I got lost in my head I guess."

He gave you a skeptical look, and you sighed, giving in. "All my life, I've grown up knowing I don't have a quirk..even now I can hardly believe I have one. I feel so used. And I don't even know what my quirk is..Do you know what it is?"

Bakugou shook his head no. "The commission said it was top secret."

"That's total bullshit. It's my quirk, shouldn't I know how to use it? I just- I feel like I have no control anymore like I'm a marionette being used by some sadistic shithead puppeteer." You remarked, holding back frustrated tears.

"Maybe whoever it was that knew didn't want to tell you to protect you. I'm sure they cared about you a lot and wanted to keep you safe."

"Yeah, right." You scoffed bitterly, before mumbling under your breath. "That's why he left me alone for all those years."

He hesitated, unsure if he should reach out to you, and touch and comfort you, but deciding against it. After a moment, you took a deep breath, pinching your nose, and brushing away the tears in your eyes, not wanting Bakugou to see that you were crying. "Let's just keep going."


A/N: Whewww that's a lot of development here...

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