Cobra kai gaining popularity

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Now.. people are joining Cobra kai...Anna of course being one of them.

Ella was confused as was Eliza.. "wow." Eliza said.

Johnny smirked a bit then laughed "Quiet! Get in lines!'

They get in two lines, all except for Ella, Anna and Eliza...they just get in Rows like Johnny wanted actually.

"Not lines!  across' Johnny said.
"You mean Rows" Demetri said.
The girls and most of the others facepalmed "Demetri, honey... shhh" Anna said.

[ as the lessons went on, a few left and many stayed, now we are in the all valley under eighteen tournament, well after it...]

Ella didn't like her twin brother flipping the script, it scared her to no end...this was when she had left Cobra kai.

"You're leaving?! Really Ella?" Eliza shouted

"Yes! This Is insane! Look at what cobra kai has started doing to my brother, Eliza! I'm going with or without you!" Ella grabbed her things and left.

"Ella wait!" Eliza ran after, it was too late they were already gone. Dammit"

// Yes I know this is out of order.. I said they wouldn't be exactly in order //

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