I'm sorry, I'm a screw up, okay?

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As the torture on both sides happen, especially the cobra kai sides.
Anna, was trying to keep Demetri in the dark, as well as trying to protect Tory.
Which she was failing at.

"Anna stop, I don't need you to help me!" Tory said, shouting, she punched at Anna, this was after training "You're not helping!" She didn't mean it, Anna just nodded, taking it then she went to Miyagi-Do.

"Hi..." Anna said...
"Annie?' Miguel said
"Hi, there Miguel" she said
"Why are you here?' One of the others piped up. "To beat us up?'
"I'm sorry, I'm a screw up, okay?" Anna said "but I'm here to join your side, i gave up, I can't stand it there anymore..." Anna shows her knuckles.
"May I?' Anna asked

The three sensei's nodded, as If to say she could join.

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