Song Eun-Kyung-

Blood. I tasted blood.

I knew he wasn't going to hold back, he never really did. Raged seethed through his teeth as he spat his venomous words at me.

"You whore. You are nothing but a whore. Did your mother raise you to be a whore?"

His words didn't hurt me as much any more. I had grown almost immune to his hate for me.

 The punishments.

The spiteful words.

The threats.

I didn't cry any more. Tears didn't mean anything to me, they didn't help, they just showed my weakness. My emotions. My pathetic emotions.


"Your steak sir. Medium rare."

He eyed the dish placed in front of him.

"And your lobster and caviar salad, madame."

The young waiter winked. Winked. At me .


"And our wine, where is our wine?"

He snapped his fingers at the waiter impatiently.

"Yes, yes sir I will g-g-get that for you"

I sensed his sudden nervousness. Wait did he see?




No he didn't. It was only for a brief second. The waiter wasn't even facing him then.




It was all my fault. I shouldn't have asked to come here, I thought today would go smoothly. All I wanted was a meal, a peaceful meal to celebrate our third year of togetherness. He was in such a happy mood.





"How long is this going to take?"

"S-s-sorry sir, I have it r-r-rright here"

His hands shook uncontrollably whilst pouring the wine.

I didn't see him again for the rest of that meal.

The poor guy, he must have been so scared.


He had eventually passed out on the couch, drunk. I got up from off the cold floor, ignoring the throbbing pain in my ankle. My face had gone numb. My nose broken and bleeding. My hands pierced with shards of glass. I cleaned myself up and left.

I left.



Chapter numero uno is complete lovliesss!

I didn't want to be too overwhelming in the first chapter but I think it turned out exactly how I wanted it.

What are your opinions on Song Eun-Kyung's husband?

I decided that I didn't want to give him a name but rather write his pronouns in italics to create a sense of mystery?!?! IDK.

When he said "how long is this going to take?" ALL I could think about was King Julien LMFAOOOO.

Anyway, chapter 2 will be out very soon.


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