
His eyes looked cold

I tried searching for any emotion in his eyes: anger, irritation, loneliness or even sadness. But nothing but empty and cold eyes bore into mine.

" I have to go, thank you for your help." I turned to leave but his hand gripped my left shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?"

What the hell is he even saying?

"Ummmm, home?" I answered, confused with his question.

"Song-ah has gone and your things are still at her place, my assistant will collect them."




How?How does he know Song-ah? Why has she gone already? Why did she not call me?

"I'm sorry but what do you mean?"

"She called you last night but you were asleep, I ignored it but she blew your phone up so I had no choice but to pick up. She sounded confused and asked who I was so I had to lie and say I was your boyfriend. I thought you had to know that in case she asks about me but don't you ever think that could happen between us."

I rolled my eyes at his last sentence. I may find him attractive but I'm not going to repeat the mistake of starting something with someone with a trashy personality. It made me wonder why one of the biggest stars in the world has a personality equivalent to a middle-aged, moody, menopausal old woman.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm going" I scoffed and walked past him.

"One month. No longer. Do you understand?"

"No, no I don't understand, why are you acting so bitchy at 7AM in the morning? What made you think you had permission to kidnap me off the street and lie to my friend? And why the hell do you want to know where I'm going?" I turned back around and yelled at him, I broke down completely and started crying. Why the hell is the world against me? Why is he staring at me like I'm a freak? Where the hell am I going to go after this?

He left the room. I don't blame him, I was crying like a freak whilst looking like a freak because all of my worries had come crashing down on me all at once. What am I going to do now? And why can I smell pancakes?

I got up from the couch and followed the smell, I never realised how hungry I was until I saw the plate of pancakes .

Jimin saw me and didn't say anything, he didn't seem happy nor angry he seemed to know, he seemed to understand that I was being a normal hormonal pregnant woman and that I was not crazy but helpless. Maybe he isn't that bad?"

"My assistant brought your things, your room's there." he pointed to the room next to the pink nursery and I smiled. For the first time in a long time I smiled because of a man.

One month, thirty one days, 744 hours. That's all I have.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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