Park Jimin-

"You always were an ungrateful bitch"

I stare at them from the window of the convenience store, soju on my table, why is he treating the waitress like shit?

"I saw the positive pregnancy test in your wardrobe, do you really think you could use it against me?"

This man is testing my patience. Why won't the waitress stand up for herself? She seems pretty determined to keep this jerk's baby. I wonder how inhumane this man must be to just get rid of his baby like that with no justification just because of his petty feelings towards the waitress. I wonder what her name is? ....


I ran out of the store towards them. The man was wasted, he just laughed and tried stumbling away in a drunken fit as if he didn't just smash a glass bottle on the head of his unborn child's mother. His face, his morals, his attitude, I didn't like any of it. I grabbed him by his shoulder to spring him around and swung my arm to connect with his detestable face. He lost footing and fell on the floor, completely blacked out.

"You're the ungrateful one."

After thirty minutes and a phone call to my driver, she was in my bed sleeping soundly, I cleaned her wound up and turned the light off and was about to close the door but her breaths got heavier and more desperate, she frowned and stirred uncomfortably. She must be having a bad dream. I sat on the floor beside the bed and made sure she was okay but it was too late in the night and I was tired and my eyelids started getting heavy...



"How did I end up here?" she asked.

I stared at her pink lips, I never really realised how perfectly shaped they were. My eyes travelled up to meet her big brown eyes, damn why am I thirsting over a waitress right now?

"I saw you unconscious on the floor after that man smashed that bottle to your head" I try averting my gaze because of how awkward the conversation was.

"You didn't have to do that. Thank you anyway. I don't know how to repay you." her eyes searched mine for any emotions, any hint that her stay here was a burden to me.

To put it plain, I don't know why I was so compelled to help her that night. Maybe it was because she was pregnant and had no one else to rely on. Maybe it was because I was so drunk in my emotions and that alcohol I had last night I wasn't thinking straight. Nothing about her presence was a burden to me, in fact her presence brought me a brand new emotion, a comforting emotion...

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