Song Eun-kyung -

Am I tripping?

I thought to myself as I stared at my table of 7. What are the fricking chances? BTS? At my table? My day is finally an un-shitty day, seeing BTS cancels out all of the bad things that have happened to me today, actually, all the bad things that have happened to me all year. I stood there in disbelief, how on earth did I not recognise them earlier? I convinced myself it was because they look a billion times better in person (I did not need much convincing)

I must act naturally, I thought to myself as I collected their plates. They are probably experts at catching people out by now, there's no way they are going to fall for my 'unfazed' act.

I grimace at a sudden jabbing pain from my stomach, maybe I should stop eating the convenience store food, it had definitely gone bad when I had some last night, I have to keep healthy if I want to have a smooth year. But the pain didn't stop there, I felt a sudden wave of nausea and rushed to the toilets. Ok, I am definitely never eating cheap, expired food.

I refreshed myself and went back to check up on my tables but I froze, stuck in my spot when I saw streams of reporters flashing away at their cameras, Jungkook made his way towards me and handed me some cash, I didn't know how to respond after he winked at me. But before I let him turn away I knew I couldn't let them use the main exit, it wouldn't be safe.

"Wait. It will be unsafe if you go out that way, there is an exit at the back, no one but saff members use it. Follow me"

I led them to the exit and waited for them all to leave, none of them said a word but Hoseok gave me a warm smile.

I sighed and turned to go to the front. By now, most reporters had lost track of them and had decided to leave. The rest of my shift went by as per usual but I didn't see Song-Ah, she was probably at home packing up.

I put my jacket on and left after making sure all doors were locked and all lights were turned off. Whilst standing right outside, I turned my phone on to text Song-ah that I would be on my way home but my phone was blown up with texts and missed phone calls from him.

Why did I have to deal with this bullshit now? He hadn't messaged me ever since I threatened to file a restraining order against him over the phone and that was over a week ago. I opened his messages but before I had time to process what he had sent me I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me.

"So you didn't fucking think to tell me?" rage seethed through his voice

I couldn't waste time, I had to get out of there. I broke into a sprint but his cold hand gripped my shoulder before I could get any further. He grabbed my arms and forced me to face him.

He did not look as well kept as he usually was, his hair was a mess, he reeked of alcohol, his clothes were creased and dirty.

His hold on me was only growing stronger the more I resisted.

"I had no other choice." I tried not to sound cowardly but his blazing eyes made me feel so powerless.

"But you have a choice now, you get rid of it before it becomes a bigger problem. I don't want my new wife finding out, I never wanted anything to do with you or your constant whining. All those years you would never listen to me, you would only know how to cry like a pathetic bitch. You were never worth anything to me, just an easy fuck." His fingers dug deeper into my skin, tearing it.

He had always been good with destroying me with his words, no matter how hard I would try not to let his words eat away at my insides, he just always knew how to devalue me, destroy me and leave me broken and vulnerable.

"You have no power over me, you can't make me do shit." I screamed.

"You always were an ungrateful little bitch, did you forget about the money I lent you for your dead mother's medical bills? Did you forget how you begged me, on your knees, for hours? I have always had power, Eun-kyung, even you would know that."

The last thing I have ever wanted to do was admit he was right. But he was, I was homeless, broke and living on expired food, then and now, I never truly owned anything, not even myself.

"I saw the positive pregnancy test in your wardrobe, do you really think you could use it against me? I never thought you would have the brains to plot such a thing, maybe I underestimated you a little, you cunning bitch."

I didn't want to give up on my baby, it was the only thing I would have for myself, to cherish, to love, to nurture. I made up my mind, if I had to go to the depths of hell and back to have my baby, I wouldn't think twice. I will just have to figure out how the hell I will get enough money to raise my baby and keep it healthy.

I spat in his face out of anger, even after we broke up he still wants control over my life. The thought of it enraged me but before I managed to free myself from him, I heard a shatter and a throbbing pain in my head.

Everything was a blur.




Smashing a bottle on her head goes wild. But I'm so glad she decided to keep her baby. Babies are so cute & yur welcome for the double updateee.

ps: I did put Eun-kyung's ex boyfriend/partner's pronouns in itallics. I just cba to come up with a name for him.

Thats it for now byeyeye.

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