Chapter 2

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Qin Shuang came back from outside quickly, holding a steaming bowl in his hand: "My lord, here comes the porridge, please eat some to fill your stomach first." The

brisk voice interrupted his thoughts, Qin Zizhen could only smile wryly, this time It was useless to think too much at the time, and it was a blessing that the ability did not disappear. How could he dare to ask for too much? He believed that as long as he had his life, he would be able to practice the ability back one day. Now it is better to fill his stomach before talking, a lot I have never experienced this feeling of being so hungry that my chest sticks to my back.

Even if there is a shortage of food in the last days, to be honest, Qin Zizhen has never been hungry. In his supernatural space, there will never be a shortage of reserve food, not to mention that the base later developed soilless cultivation and nutrient solution. In the riots in the early stage, people who lived to the end of the last days would basically not worry about food, except of course, the taste of food.

"Your Majesty hasn't eaten for a long time, so you can't get greasy. The servant has asked someone to add some minced meat and chopped green onion. You can try it." Qi Shuang said with a smile, and brought the porridge in front of him.

Qin Zizhen took a deep breath, smelled very fragrant, as expected of a cook in the palace, took the bowl and spoon slowly, even though he was very hungry, he still only ate half of the bowl with restraint.

Seeing that the master had almost eaten, Qi Shuang had quick eyes and quick hands, and asked people to put away the bowl.

After a while, Zixia came in with a basin of clean water, and Hongluan hurriedly wet the veil and carefully cleansed the master's face.

Qin Zizhen remained calm and allowed his servants to serve him. Although he had already known the original owner's living habits from his memory, he still clicked his tongue in his heart. The ancients really enjoyed it.

After washing his face, Hongluan combed his hair and said, "Lancai called the imperial doctor and is waiting in the side hall. Do you want to pass it on?"

"Yes!" Qin Zizhen responded lightly, his body I know that the trauma is not very serious, the main damage is in the brain, his mental strength is too huge, the body's brain capacity can't bear it, and he can only exercise and recuperate slowly if he wants to recover.

Hongluan winked at the maid at the door, and after a while, an old man in his fifties walked slowly into the room with a medicine box.

Qin Zizhen generously asked him to take the pulse. Imperial Physician Liu frowned, and his expression became serious. He couldn't figure it out. The Shizi had just woken up. Why did the pulse show that he was haggard and exhausted? After a little deliberation, he hesitated and said: " The son's wound is recovering well, but he should not be too tired, he needs to pay more attention to self-cultivation, the old man opened a prescription for nourishing the mind, and take it for a few days first."

Qin Zizhen leaned lazily on the bed, and couldn't help laughing in his heart. The answer is always so omnipotent. After carefully recalling the words and deeds of the original owner, he ordered it as a matter of course: "I want peach kernels, cinnamon twigs, Lishiteng, Achyranthes bidentata, Duhuo, white peony root, mugwort leaves, fine incense, ganoderma lucidum, sumac... "

Qin Zizhen reported the names of more than 20 kinds of medicinal materials in a row. Imperial Physician Liu remained silent, walked to the table in a regular manner, took up a pen and ink to write it down, and handed it to the maid next to him.

Qin Zizhen raised his eyebrows, admiring the old doctor's sense of current affairs.

"The old man will leave." Imperial Physician Liu bowed and respectfully exited the house. Qishuang was blunt

and said curiously, "Master, what do you want these herbs for?" Qin Zizhen smiled lightly: "Nothing else, it's just a medicinal bath."

Now I just want to restore the ability as soon as possible. As for the bad things in the palace, since he didn't die last time, someone must have stopped him from the side. His utility value has not been fully demonstrated so far. What danger will be encountered again.

Medicinal baths only need 18 kinds of medicinal materials. The reason for reporting the names of so many medicinal materials is also to confuse the public. This is the essence of research by countless biologists, Chinese medicine scientists, and ancient martial arts families in the late end of the world. He doesn't want to take advantage of the people in the Pingxi Palace.

Medicinal baths are divided into upper, middle and lower classes. This is the best medicinal bath. If it wasn't for the ancient medicinal materials, Qin Zizhen would really be helpless in the face of his broken body. Although he can recover slowly, But he was afraid that it would be hard to defend against an open gun, and Qin Zizhen was absolutely sure that if he couldn't earn enough chips for himself as soon as possible, he might not wait for him to recover. Dregs.

"How is the assassin's investigation?" Qin Zizhen rubbed his forehead, his face was full of displeasure, this body was too fragile, and he felt a little unable to support it after just sitting for a while.

Hongluan hesitated for a moment, and replied: "All the assassins have been wiped out, without leaving any clues, and the prince has not yet found out the results."

Qin Zizhen sneered, his voice became sharp and piercing, his pale face darkened instantly, and said fiercely: "It sounds good to say that being annihilated is not to cover up. I knew that my father would definitely not investigate thoroughly."

"Master." Hongluan exclaimed in surprise, and hurriedly looked around, fearing that his words would be heard.

"What are you afraid of? Am I right?" Qin Zizhen was furious, his brain felt tingling because of the anger, as if someone had hit him hard with an awl, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, his handsome face was in pain twist up.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Qishuang was anxious and angry, she gave Hongluan a hard look, stepped forward half a step, squeezed her behind her, snatched the work from her hand, and gently wiped the sweat of the master.

Qin Zizhen had a headache that was about to explode, and it took him a while to recover. It was only his own fault. The son had a weird temper and was moody. He wanted to do a full set of dramas, but his brain would not be able to bear it, and his brain hurts when he got angry Terribly.

"Father and concubine won't be here." Qin Zizhen talked to himself, and didn't need others to answer. He was silent for a while, and then said: "I'm tired, I'll sleep for a while, and Qishuang is going to prepare the medicinal bath. The first thirteen kinds of medicinal materials, the remaining medicinal materials are placed in the room, wake me up after an hour, and let the kitchen prepare bird's nest."

"Yes." Qishuang replied cheerfully, glanced at Hongluan triumphantly, and hurriedly completed the task assigned by the master.

Qin Zizhen lay down slowly, closed his eyes and rested his mind. He thought he would not be able to fall asleep, but it didn't take long for him to fall into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

In her previous life, Qin Zizhen was born in a wealthy family, and the elders were cruel to a certain extent. For the family property, they fought to the death, plots, frame-ups, car accidents, scandals, everything.

Qin Zizhen knew from a young age that he could only rely on himself if he wanted to get ahead. Seeing his parents jumping up and down, and his elder brother taking advantage of others, Qin Zizhen actually wanted to say that if he put his mind on starting a business, his parents and elder brother might have already Achievement.

Maybe it's this indifferent mentality. Grandpa always likes to talk to him, and secretly gave him a lot of private houses. The elders were so jealous that their eyes were red. To take advantage, Qin Zizhen had one head and two big ones. After three accidents in a row, for the sake of his own life, Qin Zizhen resolutely applied for a university in another province after graduating from high school. His major was not related to finance, and he studied psychology.

The elders finally calmed down. His father said he was stupid, his elder brother said he was stupid, and his mother hated that iron could not be made into steel. Amidst the scolding of his family, Qin Zizhen waved his hand and happily stepped on the boarding plane without taking a cloud.

The estrangement has existed since then, and it has been continuously accumulated and thrived.

Before Qin Zizhen graduated from university, his grandfather passed away suddenly, and left his beloved grandson with 10% of the company shares and a bank card. Qin Zizhen cried very sadly, tears kept falling down. Grandpa loved him since he was a child, more than his parents Painful to him, Qin Zizhen couldn't figure it out, his grandfather's body was so tough, why he went there suddenly before he had time to honor him.

The doctor said it was cerebral congestion, and it was discovered too late, so it was impossible to rescue it. It is ridiculous that there are more than 20 uncles and uncles living in the old Qin family house, and none of them found out that grandpa was sick.

Qin Zizhen knelt in the mourning hall and howled, locked himself in the room for three days and three nights. After he came out, he lost a lot of weight, and his mood gradually returned to calm. Grandpa knew his temper and didn't want to keep him, but he was also afraid that he had no money. Flowers, that's why he left him the company's shares to get dividends.

He understood that his grandfather had good intentions, but when he heard his family's dissatisfaction and saw his uncle's jealousy, his chest suddenly became dull and his heart ached.

Facing the hard and soft entreaties of his parents and the coercion of his elder brother's words, Qin Zizhen transferred the shares to his father, took the money and embarked on the road of studying alone, and never came back until the end of the world broke out.

Sometimes, Qin Zizhen would think in his heart, maybe it is a good thing that his grandfather passed away, at least he would not have to face the cruelty of the end times. Human-eating zombies would open their bloody mouths at any time, stumps and broken arms were everywhere, real corpses littered the fields, blood Flow into a river.

In the early days of the end of the world, no one knows when the people around will turn into zombies. Betrayal exists all the time. Fathers ate their children and wives killed their husbands. As long as people go through those dark years, people's hearts will always become hard .

Qin Zizhen was very lucky. On the day when the apocalypse broke out, he was in his apartment with the door locked, and passed through the period of awakening his abilities safely. He was not eaten by zombies, and no accident happened.

Mental and spatial powers are very practical. After the baptism of blood and the struggle on the edge of life and death, Qin Zizhen survived successfully and became the first group of high-level supernatural powers. When I saw my eldest brother again, it was five years later, when my eldest brother was left alone. The little nephew is just eight years old.

Faced with the only remaining relatives, Qin Zizhen rarely softened his heart. At that time, he never dreamed that he would raise a white-eyed wolf. In fact, the eight-year-old child has already been determined. It is not surprising that Brother Qin's character has taught a white-eyed wolf It's just that Qin Zizhen doesn't want to think about it.

Ten years after the end of the world, major bases began to rise, human life spans became longer, and people gradually found the rules of life from the cruelty of reality.

Twenty years after the end of the world, the federation was established, and human technology soared. In that year, the government named it the New Era, and governments around the world began another struggle for power.

Qin Zizhen was the victim of this battle. As a top high-level supernatural being, the resources in his hands and his neutral attitude blocked the way of too many people, so he died, and died in the betrayal of his nephew.

When Qin Zizhen died, he was very calm and did not feel any pain. The explosion came too fast, and his death was too sudden. There was no time to prepare for it. In an instant, flesh and blood flew. Abandoned this young man with the same name and surname as him, the unlucky son of Pingxi Palace.

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