Chapter 1

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I promise as you read more and more into the story, my writing improves. Enjoy. :)

"And 1, 2, 3, 4.." Ms. Allison counted out. Making sure I was on the right beat, and counts while dancing. I was working on a new routine for my audition to go to broadway.

The music ended. I stood in my final pose before turning and walking off the "stage" which was really just out of the mirror.

"Good, now go get a drink and we'll run it one more time then you can go home."

I nodded, Heading towards the door. This was the third routine I had learned just today. Usually I stayed at the studio from 4-8. But since competitions were starting up again, and I had my audition, I needed to learn fresh, new routines, so I has here longer.

I went out into the lobby and grabbed my water bottle. Taking a big gulp. By the time Ms. Allison called me back to redo my routine, I had finished the whole bottle.

Stepping into the sweaty room, I walked out to the middle of the floor. Sitting down in my pose waiting for the music to start up.


"Bye Ms. Allison!" I called, heading out towards my moms waiting van. it was 10 by the time she let me out. Letting me know that we would do more corrections tomorrow.

I leaped into the car, taking my hair out of the tight bun I had to put it in.

"How was class?" mom asked, pulling out onto the highway.

"It was great. I feel really confident for my audition," I said. Smiling at her.

She smiled back and kept on driving.

We pulled up in to the driveway. I quickly grabbed my bag from the backseat and went inside. Taking off my shoes and going straight to the fridge, grabbing a tropical punch kool-aid and some left over kraftdinner. Heating it up in the microwave.

I went up to my room dropping my bag on the floor and putting my food on my bed side table.

I hopped in the shower, washing away all the sweat from dancing.

I stepped out of the shower. Wrapping myself in a big fluffy white towel. After drying off, I put on my favourite dance sweatpants, and a concert T-shirt.

I hopped into bed. Booting up my laptop and grabbing my food. Starting to eat.

I did the usual, going through my Tumblr, Facebook, and twitter. When I finished eating, I plugged my phone in, put my empty bowl on the bed side table, closed my laptop. Putting it on the bed beside me.

I pulled the covers over my head.

"Please let me ace this audition," I wispered, pulling the duvet over my head, falling into a dreamless sleep.


"Stop!" Ms. Allison yelled. Cutting off the music.

I looked at her. I was in the middle of a private technique class, but I was having an off day. Some people just need to learn to keep there mouths closed I guess.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked. Giving her a quizzical look.

"Everything! Your leg wasn't straight, your foot was turned out, and seriously! Put some emotion into it! Do you want to make this audition or not!?"

I was shocked. She never yelled at me. I was one of her best students. I could feel a lump forming in the back of my throat. My eyes burning from forming tears.

Her face softened a little. "I'm sorry ok? The glass before put me in a bad mood."

"Didn't have to take it out on me," I muttered under my breath.

"Let's go again, and this time fix your legs," her tone was a bit softer.

I went to the corner of the room. Wiping fiercely at the tears in my eyes. I turned towards the mirror. Turning out my feet, straightening my legs, and smiling at my reflection.

The music started and I moved freely across the floor. Taking time to put emotion into each move and making sure they were perfect.

I stopped on the other side of the room. Going the other way, working in my left side.

When the music stopped Ms. Allison just stared at me.

"What?" I said.

"I think your ready for that audition."

• yay new story! I'm sorry again for deleting my other one. I feel bad now.  

El oh el.

Anywhore. Vote! Comment! Tell your friends! It would be greatly appreciated. :) ok. That's all.

Stay lovely! -ashawee xx

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