Chapter 17

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~ Sorry I haven't updated in a long time! just have a lot on my plate at the moment

I sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of black coffee. Talking to Zayn and Louis.

"So? Why did Niall need help getting you off the roof last night, huh?" Zayn asked.

I choked on my coffee. Almost spitting it all over Louis who sat across from me. "Uh, what are you talking about?"

"Oh come on. We all know you guys went for a late night stroll, and how many times did Niall stub his toe trying to get through the bus last night?"

"5..." I muttered under my breath. Looking away.

"Hah! So, what did you guys do?" Louis leaned across the counter. Put his head in his hands and looking at me like I had the best gossip.

"Non of your business, Mr. Tomlinson. Now stop bugging me about it."

"Fine then, I'll just have to assume that you guys did it on the beach..." He got up from the stool and started running towards the bus, yelling for the boys to come out and here the fake news.

I looked at Zayn before putting down my cup and running out the house after Louis. "Louis Tomlinson get back here and I'll tell you!"

He stopped dead in his tracks, turned around and smiled evilly at me. "Spill. Now."

Zayn came up and put his arm around my shoulder, smiling at me just as evilly as Louis.

"Ugh, alright, Niall kissed me. There, happy?" I turned out of Zayn's arms and go back towards the house, longing to finish off my coffee.

"Woah woah woah. Hold up, he kissed you?!" They sounded shocked.

"Yes," I turned around and flailed my arms towards the ground, "and all I want to do is finish my coffee, go for a run, mayne even get Rob to teach me to surf, and have a shower. Ok? Thats it."

They nodded their heads, and turned and ran off towards the bus. Pushing and laughing with eachother. It reminded me of Hayley, I miss her like crazy. I think I'll call her tonight. I smiled at the thought of talking to my best friend for after 3 weeks. 

3 weeks. 3 more till I go home. My smile faulters, and thank go no one is there to notice.

Once back in the house I finish my coffee, and wash my cup along with Louis' and Zayn's. I realize then that the other boys didn't join us. Probably suffering from hangovers.

I head towards my room and pull my hair into a ponytail. Putting on a bright blue sports bra and a pair of black shorts. I pull on my thin runners and grab my phone and headphones. Strapping my phone to my arm, I plug in my headphones and go out the door. But turn around and grab a white crop top, slipping it on before heading out the nack door, and down the path.

I start into a steady jog down the beach, towards the small town. I come up to the boardwalk, and feel the wood pound beneath my feet. I smile and oush myself faster, farther, before it feels like I'm flying. And then I find myself at the edge of the boardwalk. Standing over the water. 

I lean over the railiing and take a few deep breaths, before pulling my phone out and changing the song to something more upbeat. 

I turn around and run back towards the beach, and then to the house. It cleared my mind. The running. Even though I didn't realize I had something on my shoulders.

I was running up towards the house when I see 4 boys pushing a blonde headed boy towards me. 


I smile and pull out my headphones, before we stop in front of eachother panting. Me from running about 2 miles, and him just from running down the path. I'd have to take him jogging one time.

"Morning." I smile at him.

"More like afternoon." He chuckles and pulls off his hat, shaking his hair and placing it back on my head. "So, uh, I was wondering, if maybe, you wanted to, uh," he pulls off his hat again and scratches the back of his neck. Setting his hat lightly on his head again. "Ok, I'm just gonna say it. Will you go on a date with me?" he stands there with his hands out in front of him. Practically begging.

"No." I say and walk around him. Heading back to the house.

"Wait, what?" He runs after me, walking quickly beside me. "Did you say no?"

"Yep. You heard me."

"Why? Was the kiss to much, am I moving to fast, I can slow dow-"

"Niall." I stop him. Grabbing his arm and facing him towards me. "I'm kidding. Of course I will." 

He looks stunned before smiling, showing his clear braces. I throw my arms around his waist and lean my face against his chest. "Sorry, I'm super sweaty."

"I don't mind," he replies before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head.

~YAYAYAYAY!!! I finally updated!! You lucky people.

Dont forget to keep Virginia in your prayers. <3

until next time

-ashwee xx

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