Chapter 2

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• new chapter! I'm having serious writers block so I'm not sure how good this will be. :/ but read it anyway!


I stood in the hallway. Stretching.

I was seriously scared for my life.

Walking into the audition, I saw 3 judges. An older lady, with a tight face, and grey hair. Put up into a ballet bun. The next was a man in a black suit. He looked to be about thirty. The other was another older man. I remember him from the program. He was the choreographer for the show.

"What is your name?" The man in the middle said.

"Summer Main," my voice shook a little. I cleared my throat and clenched my hands behind my back to stop them from shaking.

"And what type of dance are you going to perform for us today?"



I went and stood on my mark. Getting ready for the biggest performance of my life. This would set my career.

"And, cue music."

The music started, I counted 4 beats before moving into a perfect turn, 4 to be exact. I stepped out and fanned my leg. The nerves were defiantly gone now. The only thing I focused on my was my technique and to try not to forget the routine.



When the music ended I stopped. Fixing little things in my pose before going back to the centre of the room.

"Thank you Summer, you may go."

I nodded, giving a small curtsy, and letting out a big sigh after stepping into the hallway.


I run from the bus stop to my house the minute school was out.

I pull out my key and unlock the door. Running to where the envelope was waiting on the kitchen table. The envelope that would determine my future.

I pull a butter knife out from one of the drawers and gently open the package. Pulling out the very formal sheets.

My eyes skim over the first few sentences, looking for an acceptance or a rejection.

My eyes go wide and my breath hitches in my throat as I read over the words.

'Ms. Summer Main. We would like to congratulate you on being accepted into the Broadway production of the Lion King...'

I scream. As loud as my lungs could take. I jump around, falling to my knees and start laughing uncontrollably. Tears if happiness sprang to my eyes. I was overjoyed.

I went to my bag and pulled out my iPhone. Clicking 6, which was my moms speed dial.

"Hello?" Her voice rang through the receiver.

"Mom! I got my letter!" I screamed into the phone.

I heard her laugh on the other end. "Well tell me how it went!"

"Drum roll please! I got in!" I started screaming and laughing and crying all over again.

"I'm on my way home right now! Get ready, dress nice! We are celebrating tonight! And call Hayley!"

I squealed into the phone and hung up. Immediately texting Hayley telling her to look good and be at my house in half an hour. Hayley is my absolute best friend. Since forever.

I went up to my room. Plugging in my iPhone to the dock, and putting on the song 'still the one' by One Direction. Turning it up as loud as it would go.

I plugged my curling iron in and took my hair out of its ponytail. Brushing it out. I walked into my closet, looking through my clothes.

I decided in a gold, sparkly dress. Just above my knees in the front, it was my favourite dress. I paired it with some gold heals.

I used a little black eye shadow, and some mascara. Making my blue eyes pop.

The door bell rang, and I ran downstairs to get the door.

In walked my best friend Hayley. She was wearing a short light blue dress, with a pair of white heels.

We hugged and squealed and jumped around in congratulations to me.

My mom drives up at that moment an honks the car. We run out and hop in the back. Full of excitement.

• so, I only like the first part of this chapter. Idk. I just. Yeah. I'm tired.

I hope you like it. Please tell your friends and stuff and comment. It would be fantastic.

Stay lovely. -ashawee xx

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