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REINA'S POV———————————

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"I thought you'd be happy...since it's our baby." I rub my hand over my stomach blinking away the tears.

He dryly chuckled. "I coulda' swore I told you I ain't want no baby. I made that appointment for a fuckin' reason Reina!"

I backed up into the corner shielding myself as he slowly started coming towards me. "P-Please don't hit me, I'm sorry."

He rose his hand about to hit me, but he froze in place breaking into laughter. "You ain't even worth the time to be honest. You can keep the baby and all that. I'm outta here. Don't call me for shit when you realize how bad of a mom you gon' be."

I ran my hands over my face thankful that he didn't hit me. He began snatching his things off the sink and going into the closet finding the nearest suitcase to pack all his things in. Once he packed majority of his necessities, like he said he was out of there. My body jumping at the sound of the door slamming, I went into the bedroom that Rashaud and I once shared grabbing my phone to dial Jordan's number.

"What's good Rei?" His voice rang out with the sound of extra background noise.

I sat on the bed biting my nails. "Hey, you by yourself right now?" Jordan was always there for me when Quincy wasn't and of course I didn't want to compare the two. Hell, I couldn't compare them but I was scared of doing things alone so I let Quincy have his way. I didn't want any problems.

"Yeah I'm by myself now. What's goin on, you good?" His voice masked with concern. I scratched my head in nervousness deciding wether or not I should tell him about the recent events that took place. For the last few months or so I'd been lying to him about why I had been in the house so much as of lately. Truth was I wanted to disguise the hideous bruises on my face, the side of my stomach, and in areas I didn't wanna talk about.

Tears now sat on the brim of my eyes, my voice shaking. "U-Um I know I haven't called you in a while and this seems random, but I need you right now. I just need my best friend. You can give me the "I told you so" talk later."

The line went quiet before he started. "Reina I'm not gonna give you the "I told you so" talk because I don't care about that right now. At the end of the day you're still my best friend and ima be there either way. Mad or not. Just unlock the door for me when I get there, I'm on my way."

We hung up the call and it wasn't long until he was knocking at the apartment door with my favorite. Six piece lemon pepper with extra ranch.

He walked heading to the kitchen to place the bag on the counter. "I didn't know if you were hungry or not, but I uh brought you something just in case."

I smiled before sitting at one of the barstools opening the bag full of food. Damn, it smelt good. Jordan came around from the counter before taking a seat next to me. He curled his face up turning my head towards him. "He hit you? What happened Reina and don't say nothing."

I sighed wiping mouth off with a napkin. "Wanted to keep the baby and he wanted to get rid of it. He scheduled the appointment, but I missed it on purpose." 

He wiped the tears that fell from my cheeks nodding at me to continue. I placed my hand on my stomach looking into his eyes. "I want to keep my baby Jordan.."


Six Months Later:

"You want to give the baby up for adoption?" I recited as Quincy sat on the couch typing on his phone.

He grumbled in annoyance. "I mean why not? I'm a rookie in the NFL and personally I'm not ready for a baby to come into the picture."

I leaned against the kitchen counter in shock. "So that was your plan? You come back with a peace offering, say you want to keep the baby, then randomly bring up putting our baby up for adoption?"

In that moment I regretted everything that occurred the past few months. Hell, I even regretted the last eight years. I'd given everything I love into the wrong man. I knew who I wanted and who was good for me, but now that was gone. I ghosted Jordan because my baby's father decided that he would only come back if I let him go. So like the young and desperate woman I was I followed suit.

Quincy rubbed his hands down his face walking over to where I stood. "Look Reina, let's make a deal. I  be there for the kid's birth and then I'm gone. You never hear from me. I can't say again because if I come back around, you know you'll run back. I'll pay you however much you want as hush money to not say anything on social media or open your mouth to anybody who asks. Deal?"


Three Weeks Later:

He lied.

I did get my "hush money" and he did fulfill his promise to leave me alone in hopes that I never hear from him again.

To my peace of mind and to my baby father's demise, I birthed a beautiful baby girl. Londyn Aria Moiré. When I gave brith to her my life did a whole 360. In the moment I first held her I realized how much I gained instead of lost. I realized who was there for me and who wasn't.

She looked like her father but I knew she was gonna be just like me. Jordan was there too. Of course we still weren't on the best of terms since I'd disappeared on him, but we didn't want to make the beautiful moment about ourselves.

I fumbled with my fingers looking at Jordan who stood over the rolling bassinet in awe over the newborn. Clearing my throat he looked over at me taking a seat next to the hospital bed. "Look Jordan I know we're not on good terms right now, but I'm sorry. I'm so—

He looked down at his phone. "How many times you gon' apologize? Reina it's fine, you're safe. You don't need that nigga. I'm here now. We're good, I promise."

I lightly smiled wrapping my pinky finger around his.


A/N: just a cute flashback chapter for y'all, featuring me after watching the warriors vs celtics game

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A/N: just a cute flashback chapter for y'all, featuring me after watching the warriors vs celtics game. anyways I hope y'all enjoyed 🤍

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