fourteen ✭

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Unfortunately that night the boys lost their game against the Celtics leaving them upset yet eager to beat whatever team was next.

Jordan especially.

That whole morning Jordan spent his time at the gym and practicing with his teammates. Of course Reina was there as well helping the athletes if they needed it. After she'd clocked out for the day she went to go pick Londyn up from school.

"Hey munchkin, how was school?" Reina couldn't help but chuckle at Londyn's exhausted face. In her opinion she looked defeated. The two buns, at least that's what they were before Reina dropped her off, were now fluffed up ponytails that lay against her face.

"Absolutely terrible mommy. We went outside to play and I swear I made it all the way up the slide, but then my foot slipped and I fell. I had to go to the nurse's office. Wanna see my scar?" Londyn grabbed her bruised up knee pointing at the bandaged scar.

Reina laughed rubbing her thumb over the band-aid. "I'm relived it's not too bad, but I'm glad you had fun girly.."

As they drove back home Reina found herself checking her phone to see if Jordan had texted her yet. The last time he'd texted her was early that morning to let her know that he'd be away working out, but when she left the arena he didn't say anything to her.

She rolled her eyes accepting the fact that he most likely wasn't gonna text her anytime soon.

"Maybe it was because they lost the game?" Reina questioned, but as much as she wanted that to be the reason a deeper part of her knew that wasn't the reason.

She shook her head turning off her phone continuing on the way home.

As soon as the door opened Londyn ran right upstairs to do her homework. Reina on the other hand plopped onto the sofa letting out a deep breath. She released the rubber band from around her bun allowing her curls to fall to her back.

Before she could rest her eyes, Londyn came tumbling back down the steps with her tablet in hand. She handed Reina the tablet before running back upstairs to her room. To her surprise it was Jordan.

"Can I help you?" Reina's tone held nothing but irritation.

The line went silent before the call disconnected. Not more than ten seconds later her phone rang with Jordan calling her back. "You wanna try that again?"

Reina rolled her eyes becoming even more irritated than she was before. "Sorry, I'm just agitated that you didn't text me back when you were on your way home. You just had me a lil' anxious that's all.."

"You all good, I'm on my way home to you right now. Munchkin home?" He asked driving nearing their local liquor store.

She rose up from the couch heading upstairs to Londyn's room to see her sitting at the small powder blue desk focused in on her homework. "She's right here." Reina sat her phone on the desk putting Jordan on speaker.

"What's good munchkin, you want something from the store before I get over there?" She nodded immediately picking the phone up listing everything she'd wanted.

Soon enough Jordan walked through the door with bags in his hand, including Londyn's snacks of course.

When he walked in the kitchen he took a quick glance at Reina who was leaning against the counter scrolling through her phone. Her eyebrows furrowed and her body language read nothing but aggravation. "Tuh, this nigga got me bent.." she whispered to herself before turning her phone back over.

"What happened? Who got you bent?" Jordan asked tossing her the bag of barbecue chips she'd wanted.

"Nothing, I was reading a message that Delly sent me." Once again silence took over the room before Reina headed upstairs leaving Jordan curious yet confused.

She was most definitely lying. There was no text from Sydel. There was a text from Quincy though. Once again he'd popped back up and decided he wanted something to do with Londyn again. And just like every time Reina wasn't going for it.

Earlier that day Reina checked her phone seeing seven missed calls from Quincy and plenty of text messages demanding her to let him see Londyn and he would leave them alone. Little did he know, Reina wasn't the young and naive girl that he could manipulate anymore. She was now the grown and successful woman she'd made herself to be.

It wasn't like she wanted to lie to Jordan, but she wanted to deal with her situation on her own. Without Jordan's assistance. Of course she knew she could've told him and just expressed that she didn't want any help or input, as she now sat on the bed regretting her recent decision at the moment.

Before she could get too deep into her thoughts Jordan peeked his head through the door seeing Reina staring at the wall. Once he was comfortable he gently pulled her on top of him cuddling her into his chest. She moved her leg over his tracing her fingers over the shoulder blade tattoo he had.

"You know I love you right," he placed a kiss on her forehead, "and you can tell me anything right?"

Reina nodded feeling way more guilty than she'd felt before. She knew Jordan was onto her. And as much as the guilt continued eating her alive, she wouldn't say anything.

She couldn't..

A/N👩🏾‍💻: *sips tea* and the calm before the storm ends and the drama begins

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A/N👩🏾‍💻: *sips tea* and the calm before the storm ends and the drama begins...
we ate down last night against the clippers, the comeback went crazy per usual

What y'all think about Reina keeping what's going on with Quincy from Jordan?

How y'all think Jordan's gonna react?

What should happen with Quincy?

Any Predictions or Ideas?

Love Y'all, bye🤍

And a happy b-day to my fav sidneyyya😘

A GIFT IN LOVE - a Jordan Poole FanficWhere stories live. Discover now