twenty - three ✭

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"Oh my fuckin..." Reina let out a frustrated sigh struggling to put her curls in a bun.

Jordan walked into the bathroom with a confused expression on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think I'm gonna go anymore. My hair doesn't wanna cooperate so I'm giving up. You can still take Londyn with you." She took the ponytail holder out of her hair tossing it on the sink.

Since the Reina didn't have any upcoming photo shoots or designs that she needed to finish and because Jordan didn't have any games that weekend, the two decided to take Londyn to Six Flags for some family time.

Walking up behind her, Jordan leaned over grabbing the ponytail holder. "I got you. Lemme work my magic."

"Do you even know how to do hair?" Reina teased.

"You forget I was raised with sisters? I know what I'm doin' ma'am." Jordan defended molding her hair in his hands wrapping the rubber band around it. Once he was done he stepped back satisfied with his work.

"Now you can't tell me I ain't do my big one with this..." Hearing what he said Reina chuckled surprised that it came out as good as it did.

Of course she didn't wanna hype him up too much knowing he would get bigheaded. "Eh, it's alright."

Jordan smacked his teeth. "Whatever you say. You know I got you right though."

Reina laughed before turning her attention to Londyn who stood in the doorway of the bathroom. "Ooh girl you look cute!"

"Thank you, Jordy got me these!" She responded showing off the Cherry 11's on her feet.

They silently-laughed at Londyn who was standing in front of the floor mirror in Reina's bedroom posing and snapping pictures of herself with her tablet.


Walking out of the exit of Scream hand in hand, Londyn and Jordan teased Reina whose hair was now down her back due to her ponytail falling out mid-ride.

"Mommy I could hear you screaming and then you stopped!" Londyn bursted out in laughter for the third time.

Jordan shook his head trying not to laugh. Failing to do so, he busted out cackling. "I'm sorry but I looked over and you was out! I should've got a picture of that.."

"Well I'm glad y'all find me fainting hilarious, but be careful cause y'all both have birthdays coming up. So just be careful, here?" She turned her head acting as if she was in her feelings.

Jordan and Londyn side-eyed each other before bursting into laughter again.

"Awe don't be mad at us. We're sorry, we gon stop." Jordan put his arm around Reina kissing all over her face. "We gon stop, promise. Right munchkin?"

Londyn nodded knowing she truly didn't mean it and that as soon as she got back home she'd tell Ryan all about it. Reina shook her head before chuckling. "You two are a mess."


Later that night the trio laid in the bed, Londyn finding her way cuddled in the middle. Rush Hour 2 playing on the TV screen. Since Six Flags was closer to Jordan's house that's where they decided to stay for the night.

A GIFT IN LOVE - a Jordan Poole FanficWhere stories live. Discover now