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JORDAN'S POV———————————

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Knocking on the front door, she swung it open. She stood in an oversized T-shirt with sweats, her braids on top of her head in a bun.

"How can I help you Poole?" She asked leaning on the doorframe.

I gave her a closed lip smile holding out the Morning Glories I'd picked up from the florist. "I got you your favorites."

Her favorite..

"Apology flowers is crazy. You can come in even though you forgetting my candy." I rolled my eyes passing by her going straight to the kitchen to place the flowers in some water.

Once I was done doing that I looked up seeing her standing on the other side of the kitchen. "You know we gotta talk right?"

That was exactly what I was tryna avoid, "the talk". "I know, I was just waiting on you."

"Yeah right." She walked out of the kitchen taking a seat on the living room couch. I sat down moving her legs over on my lap.

"You wanna go first?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Jordan I need you to understand why I did what I did. If you think about it you're always the one protecting me and Londyn. I wanted to do that for once, I wanted to protect you guys. And I know that it could've caused some harm, but it didn't. I can take care of myself and I know you know that, but do you really?" She confessed, her eyes becoming glossy.

I ran my hand down my waves. "Reina, not to be rude or nothin', but there's nothing you can do to make me step down from protecting you. That's something I want to do and I know you've been a strong woman for too long, that's why I do what I do. That's why I act like that when it comes to situations like this. You need a load off to let somebody else handle it. We get equal parts in this. You protect me in ways I can't even describe, why shouldn't I be able to do the same?"

The room went silent once again as Reina let out a sigh. "I know, it's something I gotta work on."

I pulled her closer next to me, leaning my head on top of hers. Planting a kiss on her forehead I spoke. "And ima be there every step of the way.."


The next morning Jordan woke up on the couch with Reina on top of him, her leg hanging off the edge of the couch. His eyes opened when he felt small taps on his face. Not surprised to see Londyn standing only three inches away from his face.

A GIFT IN LOVE - a Jordan Poole FanficWhere stories live. Discover now