twenty-five ✭

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Reina sat on her couch fiddling with the ziplock bag that contained the pregnancy test. She chewed on the inside of her mouth which was something she started doing when she became nervous.

She was knocked out of her thoughts when a knock at the door sounded, Jordan standing at the other side. "What's up mamas?" He greeted pecking her lips.

"Nothing much." She replied.

His eyebrows furrowed I'm confusion as her reply was dry and dull. "You good? Why you sound so dry?"

"No reason, but I have to tell you something." After she spoke her throat became dry and her hands became clammy.

He followed her to the couch plopping down next to her. Reina pulled the ziplock bag from off the table handing it to Jordan. Once he realized what he was holding his eyes widened and a cheesy smile grew on his face. No words came from his mouth, he just embraced Reina in a hug.

She cuddled into his chest, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. Laughter came from her as she'd felt Jordan's chest shaking and her shoulder becoming damp. "So you're happy about this, I hope?" Reina questioned even though she knew by his reaction he was more than excited.

"Oh for sure. I mean, I'm having a baby with a woman I love and giving our daughter her first sibling. So I'm more than happy right now..." He explained wiping the tears from his face and doing the same to Reina's.

Reina let out a sigh of relief. "Ok that's good. I was a lil' scared you were gonna have a different reaction. I just gotta figure out how we're gonna tell Munchkin."

"Mommyyy!" Londyn yelled as Reina opened the door revealing her daughter and Ayesha.

She smiled engulfing Londyn in a hug placing a kiss on her forehead. "I missed you so much! Jordan's in the living room."

Londyn's face lit up as she took off her shoes and jacket running towards the living room. Ayesha stared at Reina with a grin on her face. "So....Ms. M.I.A, where have you been?"

"No where just living you know?" Reina replied fiddling with her fingers knowing that Ayesha was reading her like a book at the current moment.

She nodded leaning against the door frame with one eyebrow raised. "Mhm, you been living alright." She ignored. "And you look awfully glowy. Looks pretty pregnant to me.."

Reina's eyes widened before the two of them bust out in a fit of laughter. "I knew it!" Ayesha exclaimed as Jordan came to the doorstep from around the corner. "I'm so happy for y'all! My baby mama's having a baby on me..."

The couple chuckled before Jordan spoke. "Yeah, we just gotta find a way to tell Munchkin."

"Well if it helps she's been mentioning wanting a little sibling so you're in luck right now." Ayesha added.

After they conversed for a little longer, it was now Reina, Jordan, and Londyn who sat on the couch. Reina and Jordan eyed each other back and forth to push the other one to speak.

Becoming fed up Reina cleared her throat. "Munchkin we have something exciting to tell you."

Londyn looked up in confusion sliding her headphones off her head. "Yeah Mommy?"

"Ok, so Auntie Esh said that you were talking about wanting a little sibling. So how would you feel if I told you that I was pregnant?" Reina asked.

Once Reina's words sunk in Londyn squealed in excitement. "Are you pregnant?"

"Yessss ma'am!" Londyn jumped into Reina and Jordan's arms in excitement, the three of them laughing.

The next morning Reina's eyes fluttered open to the sounds of Jordan and Londyn giggling. She stretched before raising out of the bed to head to bathroom to brush her teeth. Walking down the steps she stopped sneaking a picture of Jordan helping Londyn stir the bowl of pancake batter.

"The beast has finally awoken!" Jordan sarcastically spoke, wincing as Reina slapped him on the back of his head.

She chuckled ruffling her fingers through Londyn's curls. "Is the baby gonna show?"

"Yeah Munchkin, he's just being a little stubborn..." She explained. Jordan jerked his head back in confusion.

"It's definitely a girl don't play with me." Jordan argued. And for the rest of the morning they stood in the kitchen playfully arguing over the gender of the unborn child.

A/N👩🏽‍💻: this chapter was high key a bust not gon lie, but that's beside the point. I need some more ideas cs this book is just random just saying, I don't even remember what the ending of this book was but this the only book y'all messing with fr.

so, feel free to comment some ideas and go ahead and read Love, Symone while y'all at it. Love y'all, bye🤍

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