eighteen ✭

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"Reina why the fuck do you always do this shit? I don't fucking get it..." Jordan's light skin progressively began turning red.

Reina rolled her eyes closing the refrigerator door. "Why are you getting mad? I'm safe, Londyn's safe, we good!"

The two had been arguing for the past few minutes. Mostly because Jordan was trying to understand why Reina couldn't see why he was upset. If he remembered correctly he told her not to go near him.

"Alright Rei.." he grabbed his keys off the counter before kissing Londyn's forehead, ruffling her curls. Adjusting the green headphones back on her head he walked over to Reina kissing her cheek before leaving out of the house.

Later that night, Reina sat in her office with her lit computer screen sketching designs for a dress that she was thinking of creating soon. As much as she never truly opened up about her interest in fashion, you could tell by how she dressed herself. She could take clothing that was deemed as basic and make you believe that it was designer.

She always had a love for the art of clothing and fashion. It all starting with watching her mother and aunts getting ready for parties that they would go to. Seeing them all standing in the mirror adding extravagant pieces to their clothes and making them look absolutely stunning. That's when Reina knew that fashion was for her. Of course her judgement was clouded when she began doubting if becoming a designer was really her dream and if it was just truly a temporary thing.

The woman she'd became today made her want to pursue every dream she ever had.

Placing her Apple Pencil next to her iPad, her phone rang.

Riyah👯‍♀️ wants to FaceTime..

Once the call connected Reina interrupted her before she could speak. "Before you start your little cousin is in the room and no I don't have my headphones on me."

"Awe, you know me so well. What ended up happening with Quincy and all that?" Reina internally groaned at what occurred the night before.

"He broke in, I pulled the gun, they got him, and Jordan got in his feelings. That's it, that's all."

Jeriyah chuckled to herself. "I knew he was gon' feel a way about it, but you gotta think of it like this. Jordan really loves you and Londyn, he just wants to make sure y'all are safe. So I understand his frustration, but I know you wanted to do this for you and Londyn. You were just ready for this to all be over. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

Just communicate with each other about it and do what y'all do best. Make up." Reina nodded twisting her lips to the side.

"You right. I mean we were gonna talk anyway so the communication was gonna be there, but I just wanted to do something for once without him looking out for me. The whole thing could've went differently, but it didn't and that's the point he's missing. I'm ok, Londyn's good, why isn't that enough for him to accept?"

Jeriyah shook her head. "And I know that you wanted to be independent Reina, but somethings you have to let other people handle. Even though you're the one who had the gun, what if it was the other way around. What if Quincy's crazy ass was strapped up, huh? We all know he would've tried some weird shit. Jordan was only trying to do for you what he's been doing his whole time knowing you. Protecting and looking out for you. Not to invalidate your feelings, but did you expect him to not care?"

"No," she pouted, "I want him to care. Hell, I love the way he cares for me. But I just wanted to feel like I had the upper hand for once. He's always the one looking out and I guess I wanted to do that."

Ever since Jordan and Reina became best friends Jordan promised to protect her to the best of his ability no matter what. He didn't care if it put him in danger. As long as she was safe he was good.

Eventually their conversation drifted off into family topics. Reina laughed as she heard her cousin screaming at someone in the background. "Ma'am who the fuck is you hollering at?"

"Girl your little cousin is pissing me off right now. Jay it's Reina!" After hearing a bunch of noise the 16 year-old peeked her head in the camera frame.

"Hey Rei Rei!" Reina laughed waving back.

Jaycee was Jeriyah's youngest sister and was the more louder and jumpier version of her. Having a whole bunch of other siblings and being the youngest wasn't always the easiest thing, but her positive attitude always made up for it.

Once the two hung up and Reina had finished what she was doing before, she looked up to see Londyn not on her tablet anymore. Instead she was passed out on the small couch that sat in the corner of Reina's in-home office. Turning off the lights she carried Londyn to her room, letting sleep take over the both of them.



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A/N👩🏾‍💻: hey friends! honestly I didn't know what I wanted to write so this is lowkey a filler chapter

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A/N👩🏾‍💻: hey friends! honestly I didn't know what I wanted to write so this is lowkey a filler chapter..

basically saying that nothing in this chapter really matters for real I just needed to post something. but I do have a new book coming soon so make sure y'all check that out.

anyways, love ya byee🤍

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