twenty-six ✭

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Over a span of two months, Reina's stomach had grown and so did the start of her pregnancy cravings. She sat on the couch with the laptop on her thighs emailing a fellow stylist who would be using one of Reina's designs for a gala that night.

Since she was pregnant now her and Jordan decided that it'd be best if she lay low for the time being and rest.

The front door opened as Jordan and Londyn walked through holding grocery bags. He'd been going back and forth to his apartment for the last few weeks making sure the cats were fed and then checking in on Reina. He came up behind the couch dropping the bag of chocolate bars in her hand.

Chocolate being her most recent craving of all.

"Thank you sir..." she smiled in satisfaction before pecking his lips.

He shook his head at her before taking the rest of the bags to the kitchen. Londyn kissed Reina on the cheek before running upstairs to her room.

Jordan sighed plopping down on the couch before setting his eyes on Reina. "You glowing you know that?" He muttered moving the curls out of her face. She blushed before playfully swatting his hand away.

Closing her laptop she set it on the coffee table in front of her. "Ughhh, I been working all day! Like I've literally never been this tired in so long..."

"I bet—you carrying a child now you can't do everything you used to do." He spoke resting his arm around her as she cuddled her head into the crook of his neck.

She agreed. "What'd you and Munchkin do today?"

"Nothing much. She wanted to see Kota and Kai, we went to the mall, went to go see somebody, and then we came back home to you." Jordan answered.

Becoming curious of who "somebody" was, Reina leaned up in confusion. "And who is somebody?"

"Don't worry about that right now..." he dismissed.

Removing his arm from around her she began to ignore him. Jordan chuckled pulling her close to him tickling her. "Don't be mad at me alright?"

"Mmm, I guess..." she rolled her eyes before cuddling back into him.

Soon Reina was fast asleep—her head in the crook of Jordan's neck and her legs flung across his lap. Jordan turned her to the other side being careful not to wake her up and he made his way to Londyn's room to see if she was awake.

Knocking on the door, Londyn opened it before peeking her head out as if she was a spy. "Ok, come in." She whispered.

The duo had been doing this for the past two weeks trying to find the perfect ring for Reina as Jordan planned to propose soon. Heading to the reference photos he'd been going off of he slid Londyn the phone letting her get a look. "What you think Munchkin?"

"I love ittt! So when are you gonna give it to mommy?" She questioned with her head propped up on her hands.

"They gotta make it first, I gotta pick it up, and then we give it mommy." He informed. Londyn nodded before she tapped his shoulder.

"Jordy, you ever think about if you were my dad?" Londyn curiously questioned. Jordan's face lit up as she sniffled trying to keep himself from crying.

He nodded. "All the time Munchkin—all the time."

"Good—cause I do too." She tiredly spoke as she let out a big yawn cuddling into Jordan's side.

Jordan softly smiled before letting a tear fall down his face as he held the seven-year old in his arms. He grabbed her tiny black bonnet from next to her sliding it on her head. Lifting her off the ground he tucked her into bed saying a quick prayer and kissing her on her forehead.

This was honestly just a quick and cute filler chapter cause y'all know I don't update this book often. But we love a good wholesome chapter, also cause I don't know what other dramatic things I want to happen to them.

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed! Love ya, bye🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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