11 | Protect You (Roc Royal)

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*Note: (YMN) = Your Mom's Name


"I fucking can't believe he did this to me... again," you mumbled harshly, letting salty tears travel down your cheeks and land mercifully on the cold, hard cement. You had just caught your boy friend, Daniel, in bed with Selena, who so happens to be a majorette and Daniel's ex girl friend.

You've seen their text conversations. At school, you've caught their little intimate gazes when they pass each other. You knew it was flirting -- so why didn't you bring that to the attention of your boy friend? This was already the third time he fucked you over for an ex. And though these were true facts, a part of you seemed to find an excuse to love him.

The number one aspect you hated about yourself is that you were vulnerable. And when you say vulnerable, you were quite convinved that you were the definition of it. Though it sounded over exaggerated, there was definitely no extra emphasis necessary. A part of that was to blame your parents, for they were separated individuals whom developed a habit. Perhaps even two. In addition, your father's family despised you, simply because you are the product of your mother, (YMN). Your mother was the reason your father snuck out, got addicted to drugs, lost his job as a mechanic, and eventually needed rehabilitation. The path was identical for your mother, except she spent majority of her years as a mother in jail. Not to mention the fact that Daniel took your virginity...

You knew from the time Daniel pressured you into having sex in the backseat of his Audi that this was going to be a bumpy relationship. Hell, if there even was a real one in the first place.

You crouched in a shaded area as the faint music of the party began fading. You realized that your moans of agony drowned the beat of Lil Wayne's "Good Kush and Alcohol" from a distance.

Not too long ago, you went upstairs and caught Daniel and Selena's naked bodies right on top of each other. Daniel knew you saw him -- since your eyes widened and you yelled a loud pitched scream of disbelief. Before he could say anything, you quickly retreated yourself from the party and went into an isolated area.

The fact that Daniel didn't even run after you... killed you. Within 30 minutes of being alone, you realized that he didn't care. He never cared. While you loved him in the course of a two year relationship, he lusted after you entirely. And everyone knew that hate wasn't the opposite of love, it was lust.

Suddenly, you heard the bushes besides you rustle against each other. A part of you was excited to see Daniel's being pop up between the rosemary greens, but it soon crumpled when you saw Roc appear and walk towards you.

"Hey, Y/N?" He questioned, a hint of trauma in his tone. "Are you crying?"

"Does it look like I'm not?" You sarcastically commented, scoffing to yourself on the boy's dignity.

During your relationship with Daniel, Roc was always there to make snide remarks on your physical appearance. He knew he was sexually craving for you, since his compliments were always about your "firm ass" or "big tits". You hated how Roc always looked at you like some toy, but then you realized that Daniel has been looking at you like that the entire time. If not, worst.

As more tears shredded, you started reevaluating your situation. Without a doubt, you needed a shoulder to cry on. You already lost your best friend when she tried warning you about Daniel's off-the-side hoes since you never listened. With your parents out of the picture, it seemed as if the world was totally against you in an act Daniel so happened to star in. Although Roc most likely wanted your being in bed, you'd rather handle his sexual appeal than be desperately alone.

"I'm sorry..." you mumbled, a bit shocked that you were desperate for Roc's consolement. You looked up, and noticed his dark brown orbs stare right at you. Those eyes -- beautiful, beautiful eyes -- read full concern. "You se-e, I-I-I caught Daniel in bed-d with tha-at majore-ette, Sel-ena..."

Without warning, Roc punched the fence a couple inches right besides you. You jumped out of fear. "What?!" He screamed, as his beautiful eyes dilated. "That nigga actually has the guts to fuck you over like that?!"

"I'm not even surprised anymore..." you muttered, letting your upper jaw tug on your lower lip. "In fact, I don't even know why I'm crying. This is already the third time he's done this."

Within seconds, Roc's entire demeanor inclined. He immediately became red-headed, as his fists balled and tensed in anger.

Roc turned his back towards you and took steps towards the party. By then, you could hear French Montana's "Freaks" blasting.

"Where are you going?" you asked, upset that he was leaving you to cry.

"To kill the nigga, what do you think?" Roc said with a scoff.

In a flash, you promptly stood up and ran after Roc. You began tugging on his arm in refusal, as you felt his bulging muscles continue to strain. "No! Stop! Please don't get yourself involved! He's a dick but he doesn't deserve it!"

"And why fucking not, Y/N?" He turned around to look at you. "Both you and I know that damn well! Just face the fact that he's a fucking bastard for doing this!"

"Why are you even doing this anyway?" Roc already got suspended from school a couple times for fist fights with Liberty Hall, the private school across from us. Of course, Roc and his gang would always win, but not without a couple bruises, scratches, and a talk with the principal. "I don't even flirt back with you... why? Is it because you want me in bed or something?"

Roc's muscles soon softened. "Look, YN," You noticed Roc's facial expression turn into a mask of innocence."You're fucking sexy, and no guy can ever deny that. Not only that, but you're smart, open-hearted; you're sweet as hell..." He sighed. "You have the most surreal personality a human could ever have, especially with what you've gone through in the past. For Daniel to do that to someone as beautiful as yourself...  makes me wanna fucking murder him."

Within a second, Roc jerked away from your grip and continued walking in the direction of the party. As for yourself, you were completely numb. Never have you encountered a guy with so much respect for you. Not even Daniel have kind regards for you; if he did, he would have done something to stop Roc from making freaky comments.

As Roc made it towards the fence, you quickly dashed over to him and engulfed his being in a tight hug from behind. You could tell Roc was a bit surprised to have you react like this, as this was the closest thing to intimacy both of you shared together.

Roc turned around and embraced you back, his strong and buff arms acting like a shield. Through his tribal long sleeve, you could feel his uneasy heartbeat.

"Thank you.." you mumbled against his chest.

You tightened the hug. "For what?" Roc slightly chuckled.

"For being you," you replied, as a few tears started forming. Both of you stayed in that position for a mere 45 minutes, taking in the pure affection shared between the two of you. When Roc got himself back into reality, he pecked your forehead.

"Whatever happens, Y/N," he said. "I'll always be there to protect you."

The Book of Imagines: The Mindless VolumeWhere stories live. Discover now