Author's Note (MUST READ!)

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Hello mindless readers! It's the author, Dana, here. ^---^

Well, creating this series had actually been in my thoughts for quite a while. I honestly have so many plots in my head that can only work as short stories, thus concluding to how this book was created. 

The Book of Imagines: The Mindless Volume is strictly a fan fiction entitled to Mindless Behavior short stories, meaning each chapter will be set in a different location, with a different boy, and with a completely different plot. Just like other traditional imagines, I will replace the protagonist's name with "Y/N" (your name). 

Now, you're probably thinking, "Dana, why the hell did you say 'Must read!' in all caps and parentheses like it's important?" Well, here it is: I do hold requests for a personal imagine. If you are not aware, personal imagines are just like traditional imagines, except the main female character is known as your real name and not "Y/N." To receive one, message me your name, which boy you would like, and perhaps other things you may want to add (plot, character identity, etc.) If you so happen to not tell me your name, and your username nor profile does not indicate anything relative to your title, then I will either ignore your name being said or choose a name for you. Trust, this actually happens *weeps*

If you comment on one of the parts asking for a personal imagine, I will do nothing but delete your comment. Also, if you do not tell me a description, I will be picking one for you. I'm not trying to come off as a "mean" and "bitchy" person, because in reality, I'm really friendly. It's just been a hell of a hassle to follow up on everyone's requests when people comment on random parts every time. I've skipped many by mistake, so messaging is the only easy way I can keep an orderly track. To find out if your imagine is uploaded, I will firstly send you a message saying that it is published, then dedicate the part to you.    

*Those who have commented on parts before this modification (July 20, 2013) have automatically been added to my list of people I must create a personal image for. Therefore, you will not need to message me again.

Please take note that this book cannot be updated on a daily/weekly basis due to my already full schedule. I apologize to those who request a personal imagine; they may be published late for your liking. If you are one who is impatient, feel free to message me and kindly ask when your imagine will be uploaded. Odds are that I might've skipped/not seen your request, therefore meaning that your personal imagine will never be written. Most likely, though, I am still in the process of writing it. In addition, if you so happened to change your username before I published your imagine, please message me that you have! Wattpad does not have an automatic redirecting system that follows one to a user's new url, therefore, I will not be able to dedicated your finished personal imagine to you.

Also, if you haven't noticed, the book is set as a "Rated R" rating. Only some chapters in this book are Rated R material. Other chapters are based upon romance, tragedies, etc. This is a warning to all those who do not feel comfortable in sexual situations. I'll leave a warning before the story starts if the story does contain sexual content. In addition to that, I tend to leave those who request "freaky" imagines till later. Please understand that writing about sexual intercourse in detail is out of my comfort zone. The only reason why I allowed myself to write about sex is so that I can get myself to experience other types of genres and writings, as well as to please my audience of readers. Please take that fact into context when you request for a personal imagine.

Lastly, I want to thank all of my fans for taking me this far. You guys are my inspiration to keep me going. The real reason why I deleted my youtube account (set for writing) was because I was scared of people finding out about my hobby. So, thanks. The smallest feedback (even negative!) makes my day -- literally.

I hope you enjoy my treasury filled with Mindless imagines. Comment, vote, and follow me if you like them!

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