7 | Kissing Booth (Roc Royal)

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This is a personal imagine for Kami! Thanks for being one of my readers and enjoying my works! Your support means a lot!


At the sight of your mirror reflection, you pursed your full lips together, smirking with the results of Mac’s limited edition “Lady Danger” and what it had done to your now glossy crimson-colored lips. You were wearing light foundation, and a few touches of concealer surely enhanced the beauty within you. Your self-esteem grew bigger as you noticed that the pink blush that aroused your cheeks made your plump cheekbones even more evident. It even shaped your face into a more “mature” and “sexy” look, which was something you were longing for since sophomore year. Your deep, brown eyes seemed to somehow grow bigger with the gel eyeliner you winged out and perked with full, fake eyelashes. Your lavishly brown, long hair was loosely curled with the help of a two inch curling iron and an online Youtube beauty guru. To top it off, you wore a maroon tank top, denim skinny jeans, and three-inches of black, shiny heels. Honestly, you would be lying if you said you didn’t look pretty darn sexy.

Satisfied with your appearance, you were now waiting for the little school carnival to be open for business. Never have you had a close relationship with makeup, but you were soon questioning it, because at the instant, a few baseball players from your rival school were already starting to check you out.

You replied to their aroused eyes with a flirtatious smirk, biting your lower lip lightly and giving them the gesture to come over. You were leaning against the wooden stand, which made your C-cup boobs practically break free out from the tight tank, but neither you or the men seemed to mind that.

A man in an oversized varsity jacket approached you, having some of his boys follow behind with wide smirks. He reached into his wallet, pulled out a crispy green, and sloppily kissed you, slipping the piece of paper into your back pocket. You smiled during the kiss, and he took the opportunity to slide his wet tongue in. As you felt one of his palms caress your jeans-covered ass, you pulled away.

“Thanks for supporting the cause,” you said in a puzzling monotone, grabbing the dollar bill out of your pocket and dropping it into the glass jar. That’s when you noticed that the jar had been half-way filled, and behind him was a crowd of Blaisdell boys -- all eager to share a five second experience with you. 

The power of might filled you. Never have you had boys empty their pockets just for a sloppy, meaningless kiss. But, then again, you never let yourself easy like that. Back at school, you were the regular honor student who seemed to have no struggle in juggling all AP courses, volleyball practice, community service, and the useless girl-drama. Little did they know that training for an upcoming tournament and studying for the next World Languages exam seemed to take up most of your hours. You never had time for yourself anymore, which is partially the reason why you go to school in bed-hair and why you have no boyfriend. However, prioritizing a man’s needs seemed to be the end of your bucket list at the moment.

The feeling of two dry lips on yours broke your thoughts. Pretty bad kiss, but it was worth it. Your school needed the money to support the volleyball team’s funds, which is why you, student council, and the volleyball coaches agreed on creating the carnival. At first, you were going against being the chick guys would pay to kiss, but ironically enough, you were starting to abuse your power. 

“Aye, trick! Get outta line!” Dry Lips pulled away at the sound of a familiar, male laugh. Followed after him were heavy footsteps and other low chuckles. You stared at him in confusion as he ran away, followed by his group of fellow terrified baseball players. Furious that you had lost your consumers, your eyes darted towards the crude clique. With a quick look, your anger boiled at the tip of 400 degrees at the sight of him being here.

“What the hell, Roc?!” you shrieked. Roc, along with his idiotic boy band by the name of "Mindless Behavior", smirked at the reaction they were receiving. 

“Aww, did I make poor baby Kami upset?” Roc replied, imitating a crying infant. Ray Ray, one of his band mates and also captain of your school’s basketball team, laughed hysterically. 

You decided against replying because you hated giving people you loathed satisfaction. You and Roc were once really close friends, but roads and turns swerved once both of you stepped foot into the cruel world of high school. With him focusing on what seemed like a soon-to-be successful music scholarship, and you concentrating on being apart of the Olympics, your friendship broke entirely. In addition, the boys Roc hung out with seemed to always have negative opinions about you and your “messy hair”, so your friendship seemed to be balancing on a centimeter tightrope.

“Look,” you gritted through your teeth, hoping that the boys would leave so customers would start piling once again. You weren’t even surprised the area you were in was about to become barren -- Roc and the boys were popular, muscular, rich, and "hot" men. And with their highly appealed appearance came great power. They were willing to use their strength to get anything they wanted, even if it meant scrapping or using daddy’s big guns. You believed it when word went out that Diggy Simmons, ex-football player, got jumped when he stole Princeton’s girl. “Why don’t you just spend your time somewhere else?”

Roc lightly chuckled. “N’aw, babygirl.” He placed his palm on top of yours, but you quickly jerked at the feeling. He snickered. “Think I’d pass a chance of getting with you at a kissing booth? Uh, no.”

Before you could even reply, you felt his tender lips plant carelessly onto yours. You tried to jerk away, but he grabbed onto your jawline, forcefully pulling you closer to him. You were quite surprised at how much lust he was giving you, as his lips moved at a fast speed limit in multiple directions. After a minute, you realized that your lips was now moving in sync with his. A spark within you jumped, registering the fact that you were actually enjoying the kiss with your ex-friend and also number one teaser, Roc Royal.

You felt the sensation of affection take over your entire being. This had had to be the best kiss you’ve ever gotten, which made your ex-boyfriend of two years put to ultimate shame. As you were about to slide your tongue in, Roc pulled away. He smirked as you wide-eyed him, having your jaw drop to construct your lips into a full 360. Him and the boys laughed, leaving you stood up.

You were enraged, yet not the least surprised that Roc veered you like that. Of course he’d do something sexually-related to get something outta you, you thought, mentally slapping yourself right in the forehead. Now, he received the fulfillment of turning the chick that wanted nothing to do with him into the chick that was now craving his taste. 

At the corner of your eyes, you noticed a green paper rolled up, as if it were a blunt. Curious, you picked it up and opened it, shocked to find that it was a faded hundred dollar bill with Sharpie penmanship over Benjamin Franklin’s face.

Paid you back. Thought I would kiss you and not give you what ya worth? Haha, think again, babygirl.

- Roc Royal

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