5 | Kitchen Frenzy (Ray Ray)

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This is a personal imagine for one of my main chicks, Deanna! She's a cool chick with bomb.com stories so go check her out! 

This imagine is Rated R with sexual content so if you aren't comfortable around this, I suggest you skip this imagine. 


It was your main girl’s birthday, and she practically reserved you to squander the entire day with her -- basically spending the full morning at the mall and the whole night at the club. You decided upon wearing a tight-fitted lace dress that matched perfectly with the satin-black stilettos you were going to kill at the club. Your lavish long hair was permed straight, and the fairly light makeup you had on definitely enhanced your natural beauty.

Before you decided to head out to pick your girl up, you grabbed a quick bite of some leftover gourmet salad and threw the dish in the sink. You didn’t want your boyfriend, Ray, to wash after you; knowing him, he’d probably throw a fit on waking up to find you away from the house and dishes to tend. As you grabbed the already dense teal-colored sponge, you flinched at the sudden feeling of two muscular arms wrap around your thin waist. 

“Hey beautiful,” you heard Ray’s groggy morning voice whisper in your ear. Before you could reply, he tickled your neck with a lingering soft kiss.  

You knew from the instant you met him that Ray was a complete freak. It was evident in his behavior that he has had many make out sessions where it led to one, particular thing. When you decided on giving up your virginity to him, you weren’t surprised that he admitted that he wasn’t a virgin, and in fact, was experienced when it came to sex. He was always [somehow] pleasure-craved in some way, and you assumed that it was due to the many times he’s done it. A part of you was upset that you weren’t his first love, but the fact that he reminded you numerous times saying you are his last makes it all the better.

“Ray,” you strictly warned him, knowing the fact that once he starts, he wouldn’t stop. Ray was a very determined guy, and if he wanted something, he surely would do anything to get it.

He immediately stopped caressing that part of your neck. “I’m going to go out with Lei for her birthday, so please don’t try and start som-” 

“Leila?!” Ray shrieked. He never had a care for Lei, your best friend since seventh grade, because she never had a care for him as well. Leila thought that Ray was below the influence -- drinking every day, partying every night, smoking in between -- and she was partially right. Ray did have some problems about alcohol and weed, but he’d been sober for three years now. Maybe it was the fact that knowing him, if he really wanted a blunt, he’d do anything in his power to retrieve and smoke it entirely. And being with a man like that, who also had an overpowered sex drive, worried your little friend.

Ray suggested, “Why her, Deanna? Why don’t we just spend the time here to ourselves?” He wrapped his arms around you once again, as if you didn’t have a choice.

“Don’t hog me, Ray. It’s Leila's turn to have me,” you apprised, setting your final utensil on the drying rack. “Sharing is caring, baby.”

“Psh, bae I don’t mind sharing. Just, not right now, though. At least, not in this outfit.” Ray emphasized the fact of how sex appealing you looked in the outfit you were currently wearing. He tightened his grip and began to give you a short trail of kisses from your top-back to  the left side of your neck.

You and Ray have only been in it twice, and yet it seemed he had knowledge of your weak spots. A soft moan of pleasure escaped your lipstick-stained lips, as you already knew Ray had a smirk of demand on his face.

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