Chapter 1: The Sun Chariot

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To Ysabelle Louie Dela Cruz, who is the best storywriter in the whole demigod family; a creative and fun girl to be with.  

Α~Δ~Ω ~ Α~Δ~Ω ~ Α~Δ~Ω

June 21, 2012 3:07 p.m. 

"Lieutenant Catherine! Lieutenant Catherine!”

I looked up from tying my combat boots. We were in the Amazon forest, chasing the wild bear Artemis sent to us. It would have been a beautiful day for hunting if it wasn’t for Sarah Florence whining all the time. She kept saying things like “We would have been fast if you weren’t slowing down to check your shoes all the time,” (I was avoiding the tree roots), “why did you stop? Now we won’t find that bear,” (If I didn’t stop then we would be stuck in quick sand), “This would not have happened if Jaya was here to lead us,” (I stopped dead in my tracks but only for a second. I would have sliced her to bits with my hunting knives if I didn’t move on.)

After the Hunt, I went back to my tent and cleansed myself of the mud and blood (I tripped because Sarah pushed me and now I have a not-so-deep-but-really-painful gash on my knee.). While I did that, I thought of Jaya. I wish I haven’t let my guard down at that time. If my pride didn’t take over me then Jaya would still be here . . .

“Lieutenant Catherine!”

I focused on the woman in front of me. She has jet black hair, gray eyes, and a light complexion. Her bow was slung at her back. Her hunter’s dress was smeared with mud which she did not even bother to clean. In her hands was a scroll.

“Bell Quinn,” I said with a mixture of amusement and fake confusion. “I told you that you can call my name with saying the word ‘lieutenant’.”

“And I thought I told you that you can call me without saying my surname,” she said in a serious tone but I can tell by the twinkle in her eyes and the slight twitch of her mouth that she was trying hard not to laugh.

“And I thought that I am the lieutenant here and I should be given respect,” I said as I stood up.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t trying to act like Sarah Flourence!”

We both laugh while members started to flood in. Yes, we called her Sarah FLOURence, as in the ingredient used in baking. It all started when we chased a wild hog in an abandoned factory. We searched the factory for the hog but it seems like the hog has found an exit. We climbed down the stairs and Sarah was leading the way because she “said so”. Just as she put her foot on the last step, a rat passed by and she yelped. She jumped, slipped, and banged her head on a shelf; causing it to break and bags of flour came crashing down on her. Let’s just say that she was white all over. Get it? White all over because she was scared of the rat and she paled then she was coated with flour. Get it? Sigh . . . never mind. I’m not funny.

Belle and I stopped laughing but we still have smiles on our faces. I looked at her and asked, “What are you doing here, Belle? Shouldn’t you be on watch?”

“I know,” Belle replied. She suddenly became very serious. “I was on my post when suddenly a stag came and had this scroll on its mouth.” She showed me the paper in her left hand. I took and read it:

                                        TO: LIEAUTENANT CATHERINE WRIGHT

                                        RE: THE SUMMER SOLSTICE MEETING

             You might be wondering why I still have not come back yet. It is because the other gods have decided to extend the meeting. I do not know how long the extension will be but for the meantime you will be staying at Camp Half-Blood until I return. Do not worry; I will rejoin you after the meeting. May the Fates smile upon you.

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