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You woke up in the morning to Infernier getting ready to breath fire onto you for you to wake up.

"Hey! You know exactly what that'll do!" You exclaimed

Infernier bellowed before raising his wings in amusement.

"You do realize I give you your Ice-Tailed Pike?" You said

Infernier growled at you and got ready to blast fire from his tail.

"You complain a lot, y'know." You shrugged

You attached Infernier's saddle before grabbing the lens you had found and putting it into your satchel, you hopped onto Infernier and got going.

"You still remember the drill right Infernier? You cannot come with me into the market, stay where you can't be seen." You informed

Infernier roared before barrel rolling into the woods near the market.

"Stay right here, I'll be back with some new food for you." You smiled

Infernier ran off into the woods and you walked into the market with some gold.

You looked around and saw some Ice-Tailed Pike which would be perfect for Infernier.

You walked over and stared at it for a good moment.

"Hello! Would you enjoy some Pike? Or these type of fish?" The merchant asked

"Just some Ice-Tailed Pike." You replied

"Great choice!" The merchant replied

He grabbed the barrel of Pike and gave it to you, all you'd need to do is buy some berries for yourself which is exactly what you would be doing.

You paid before walking off with the closed barrel.

"Interested in some maces?" A trader asked

You ignored him and bought the berries you were looking for.

You grabbed the berries before walking into the woods but you heard a few voices near the place where you left Infernier, hunters?

They seemed to be talking about fires being set on boats by Singetails, they seemed to notice that their boats were going missing and survivors telling them about it.

You began sprinting towards where you heard Infernier sneaking through the bushes.

"Infernier!" You exclaimed

Infernier roared at you and ran over.

"Let's get this on you and leave as soon as possible." You said

Infernier lowered himself so that you could put the barrels onto his saddle before letting yourself get up onto his back too.

Infernier roared and flew out of the woods with a large sound effect, like swinging a sword and it makes a sound.

Infernier blasted at a hunter which knocked them down before going out of sight and into the clouds, it'd get rainy pretty soon.

"Way to draw attention to ourselves Infernier!" You exclaimed

Infernier roared happily before you scratched his spines along his chin, it was his favourite spot to be scratched.

"Let's get ourselves home, we need to get these barrels off you." You said

You pat his head before he dove and went under the clouds to get some sun.

After a long fly Infernier had landed back on the island and as soon as you hopped off of him he dashed into the forest towards where you'd set up a decent camp.

You got off the saddle and set the barrels near a few trees and tree stumps.

"Infernier, if you don't mind could you grab the tree leafs?" You asked

Infernier stood on his hind legs for a few seconds to grab a branch with loads of leafs.

"Thank you!" You smiled

Infernier dropped the branch before sitting down to watch you place leafs on the ground in a way of making a bed.

"I had assumed that sleeping on bare rocks and grass was uncomfortable so you can sleep there!" You smiled

Infernier got up and sniffed around before prancing on the leafs and laying down right after.

"You like it? Of course I didn't wanna take up much space that had smooth grass so I thought that'd be a good idea." You said

Infernier roared and looked around before you tossed him three raw Ice-Tailed Pike and you ate a few berries.

"Take some water!" You smiled

You had filled a bucket of it yesterday and made sure you could drink it too, you gave Infernier the bucket so he drank and afterwards you drank some water.

You sat down beside Infernier and pat his back.

"Those hunters really wear us out, huh? I wonder who stops them when they go after dragons from different sides like East or West. I've never seen them in the south here." You stated

Infernier roared in agreement before finishing his last Ice-Tailed Pike, he'd most likely let out the bone later.

Infernier had fire lit on his tail to illuminate the place as the sun went down, everyday it had gotten darker sooner in the archipelago.

"Tomorrow we can search some other islands, to find some resources those hunters had that could've washed up or to just get some more of the wood that burns easier than the wood we have here. " You smiled

Infernier roared as a response before letting his head lay down completely on the leaf right in front of him.

You took out the lens and put it beside the rock before neatly putting your boots up against a nearby tree, right after you took off your satchel.

By the time you actually began to feel tired Infernier was already fast asleep and most likely would be knocked out for the next five to six hours.

You yawned and stretched your hands before practically sinking into the Singetail that seemed to basically be wrapped around you.

You kept dwelling to the thought of who stopped the dragon hunters when they weren't near you but you didn't actually put thought into it for a long period of time.

You rested your head against a rock before realizing that the light around you had disappeared long ago, Infernier's tail didn't really light for a long time if he wasn't actually gonna blast anything.

You fell asleep after a long time of trying but it was all worth it, you had a very good sleep on the new bed you had made yourself and since Infernier didn't move at all in the night he must've had a good rest too.

It was probably one of your best ideas since the time you decided to move farther into the woods incase of any sort of attack that could and might happen.

Y/n Jorgenson - How To Train Your DragonWhere stories live. Discover now