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It was the next day and you had woken up to Sear and Scorch attempting to wake you up, they were eager to go get some breakfast.

"Okay, okay! Infernier! Wake up!" You exclaimed

Infernier woke up slowly and got up, he seemed a little bit tired but totally ready for breakfast.

"Sear and Scorch wanna eat, you wanna get some breakfast too?" You asked

Infernier roared before you attached his saddle to his back and hopped onto him, he took off and so did Sear and Scorch.

"Morning Astrid!" You exclaimed

"Morning Y/N!" Astrid said

Stormfly roared happily to Sear and Scorch so they roared back.

You landed on the clubhouse deck, Hiccup and Fishlegs were already in there.

Stormfly landed right behind you and Astrid got off, she ran into the clubhouse to take her seat but Stormfly stayed outside to wait for everyone to get there.

"Morning!" Tuffnut exclaimed

"Goodmorning Dragons Edge!" Ruffnut shouted

They landed with Barf and Belch who seemed very excited to be there.

Hookfang landed on the roof with Snotlout.

"I'm really hungry! Let's get this started!" Snotlout smiled

Sear and Scorch ran in followed by Stormfly, Barf and Belch and then Hookfang.

"Okay Y/N, Infernier, Scorch and Sear! Today is all about learning, Viggo and Ryker are very dangerous people so we need all the info in you that we can get." Hiccup stated

"We'll start with his recent activity!" Fishlegs said

"Hurry up!" Tuffnut ordered

Toothless growled at Tuffnut before roaring at his rider to begin the background information.

You noticed that all riders on Dragons Edge had a unique bond with their dragons whether it was like Snotlout and Hookfang's chaotic relationship or it was Hiccup's and Toothless's caring relationship.

You heard a distinctive chicken cluck, there were chickens on dragons edge? With live dragons on the island too?

"What?" You said

"Chicken! I haven't seen you in so long!" Tuffnut picked up the chicken and kissed it

"She's... a resident here." Astrid sighed

"Let's... get on with it." You stated

Tuffnut really had his quirks, that's for sure.

"Viggo leads a big business in dragon hunting, he does it in an odd way. He's always one step ahead about it too. Ryker is more head on combat and kill." Hiccup said

"Viggo has a big ego in short form." Snotlout added

"Ryker is who we thought was the main leader until we figured out it was Viggo, from a friend. Heather." Fishlegs said

"Ryker is awesome." Ruffnut stated

"I prefer Viggo!" Tuffnut shared

"Who's Heather?" You asked

Infernier roared in confusion about the new person that was brought up, Sear and Scorch looked at Astrid who was about to give an answer.

"Heather is an old friend from long ago, she riders a Razorwhip named Windshear. She's a Berserker and her brother is Dagur The Deranged. She's an undercover spy here." Astrid smiled

"She's also my future wife. Heather Jorgenson." Snotlout said

"In your dreams Snotlout!" Ruffnut said

"That Razorwhip is mine! No offence chicken." Tuffnut stated

"Back to Viggo. He likes the game maces and talons, you're familiar with it right? Basically it's where you need to make smart moves to win the game. Hiccup and Viggo are apparently battling each other." Fishlegs said

"That sounds really weird." You shrugged

Infernier roared in agreement before Sear and Scorch grabbed a few more Ice-Tailed Pike, the day seemed to be going by pretty quickly.

"Ryker is more brute, he hates dragons and practically wants them all dead including the people who ride them. He's the big brother but he's absolutely terrified of his brother sometimes which is why he hasn't killed Heather and Windshear." Hiccup explained

"So basically Viggo uses intimidation to his advantage against people whom are far more stronger?" You asked

"It's really annoying." Snotlout said

Hookfang roared in agreement.

"Hey! You're annoying!" Tuffnut yelled

"You're all annoying!" Ruffnut shouted

Barf and Belch roared in surprise when chicken jumped up onto them.

Meatlug roared happily at Fishlegs who began to explain once more.

"We first found Ryker when Astrid, Fishlegs, Tuffnut and Ruffnut were caught by them on patrol. We met Viggo during a battle a while after." Fishlegs informed

Toothless nodded before spreading his wings to Hiccup.

"Then to wrap it all up and address worries, they have dragon proof winches and chains. Be careful of those. The dragon root arrows are also something to watch out for and since you can't go a certain altitude with the Singetails you're gonna need to be really careful. Swimming or flying off is your best best, ground combat is also good since bow and arrows weren't meant for close range." Hiccup said

"That makes sense, really weird though too." You stated

"Yeah, your thoughts Infernier, Scorch and Sear?" Fishlegs asked

Scorch and Sear ran out and shot fire from their mouths and into the sky, Infernier finished it off by sending a large fireball from both tail and mouth causing a large explosion in the sky. Every Singetail had unique ways of preparing fire which is why blasts can turn out like that.

"Sounds good." Astrid smiled

"Barf and Belch's opinions matter too!" Ruffnut exclaimed

"Yeah!" Tuffnut shouted

"Who's on Night Patrol with me?" You asked

"Snotlout and Hookfang, you guys can get back early though since we're gonna leave as soon as the sun rises." Fishlegs informed

"Well, let's go?" You said

"Yeah!" Snotlout shouted

He hopped onto Hookfang who scuttled out and got into the air, you hopped onto Infernier and took off as Scorch and Sear followed behind.

"You ready for that battle tomorrow?" You asked

"Me and Hookfang are gonna earn our respect!" Snotlout shouted

Hookfang ignited his Monstrous Nightmare gel which lit up the sky.

"Well then, I'll be happy to help!" You smiled

"Snotlout, Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!" Snotlout yelled

Jorgensons titled that as their battle cry, your father would do it, your brother and some other family members would do it. If it rhymed.

Hookfang shrieked so Infernier shrieked too followed by the roars of Sear and Scorch, the two absolutely loved going on patrol although they had only done it once. This would be their first time.

You could already tell it was gonna be quite the fun battle the next day by everyone's spirit to win and how much preparation is going into it to free the dragons being put onto that ship.

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