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CHAPTER 5: Multiverse

What the hell do I wear? Do I wear a Loki shirt? I don't want to look like everyone else. There will be hundreds of girls and guys wearing Loki shirts. Do I just wear regular clothes? I probably would stand out the most if I'm wearing regular clothes. Which I want so Tom notices me.

It's six in the morning and I'm throwing clothes everywhere trying to find the perfect outfit for a GOD to see me in. I'm referring to Loki. Not Jasper.

Finally, almost two hours later and I'm ready. Blue jeans, a light brown tank top, white converse shoes, and a white cardigan I stole from my sister. I don't think this matches very well, but I will definitely stand out from the crowd. This is the first time I ever took clothing from my sister. This adult life has been so strange so far, but I like it. My necklace is shining bright. What if Tom thinks the B stands for Bucky? It will be fine. I put my hair in two french braids because I know it will be super hot around all the people in comic con. I don't want to look like a sweaty fool. My phone vibrates.

Your spaceship has arrived.

I would have never thought, Jasper Melgoza would be texting me and referring to his car as a spaceship.

I hurry down the stairs as quietly as I can. I didn't tell anyone I was going to comic con, or that I will be out with Jasper all day. I'm just disappearing. I'm an adult now anyways. I can do whatever I want. I think.  I close the front door behind me.

Why does he have to look so sexy today? A black shirt with a grey hooded flannel on. His car is so clean and shines in the sunlight. I'm not doing this today. He's made a fool out of me and I'm not going to let him do it again. Here it comes. He turns his head and smiles at me. Oh lord give me strength to not fall for his tricks.

"Nice braids."

He says as I get into his car.

"I know I look like I'm twelve, but I'm not trying to sweat all over the place. So shut up and let's go! I'm so excited! I couldn't sleep!"

He laughs.

"I'm excited too."

He starts to drive.

As we drive, the windows are down, the fresh air is hitting my face, it's so soothing. I can't help but notice that girls are giving me weird looks when we pass by them. I look over at Jasper. He looks.....there are no words. Perfect maybe? Another girl looked at me with a bitchy face, I smiled and waved at her. She gave me the finger. I laughed.

"Shoot! I forgot to call out of work. Damn it! I was supposed to start work ten minutes ago. Ron is going to kill me."

"Who's Ron?"

"My manager."

I get on my phone and call work.

"Melgoza's. How can I help you?"

"Hi Sara, it's Brixlee. Is Ron there?"

"Girl you better hurry and get here. Ron is pissed. You have a full table waiting."

"Who eats breakfast this early?! Damn it. I'm not coming in today."

"He's walking this way. I'll give him the phone. He looks so mad, good luck."

Ron is the most intense person I have ever met.  He thinks he's above everyone else because Mr. Melgoza, Jasper's dad, personally asked him to be manager. He's such a dick.

"Where the hell are you?!"

Ron yells on the phone so loud that it made Jasper's head turn.

"I'm sorry Ron, but I can't come in today."

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