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"Jett! You're not drinking or what?"

I asked my brother who was sitting on the couch staring at his phone. He doesn't answer me. I start to walk over to him.

"Bro, you good?"


"Why are you staring at your phone like that? Looking like a sad dog."

"Who the hell is this guy?"

He asks as he gives me his phone. I look at a picture of Cora and some guy on Instagram.

"Some geek I went to high school with. Why do you care?"

"Is she being with him?"

"How the hell should I know?"

"Can you find out?"

"I probably could, but why would I?"

"Baby, come on! Take a shot with me!"

Madison yells as she's pulling my arm towards the kitchen. Greg decided to throw a 4th of July party at our place. I told him if he did it, I'm not cleaning up shit. He said fine, so here we are.

I'm looking at my brother while she's pulling me. I have never seen him look like this before. All sad and disappointed. I pull my hand away from Madison and sit next to my brother. She stomps away all angry. I try and think of what to say. I never have been in this position before. I know he fucked her after the Halloween party, but he never talked about her after that.

"You and Cora are or were a thing or something?"

"We kept talking after that Halloween night."

That's a shocker.

"Okay, and?"

"Not like just talking, but more like talking, talking."

"What the hell are you trying to say Jett?"

"I liked her more than just a fuck! I talked to her about stuff I never talked to anyone about. We would be on the phone for hours."

"Why are you talking like it's past tense? You stopped talking to her or what?"

"She wants nothing to do with me."

"Let me guess, she found out you were fucking like ten girls on the side."

"No. She wanted nothing to do with me after, you know."


"The accident with Brixlee."


We both sat in silence. Shit is awkward and he reminded me of the night that ruined my life.

"Just go home and talk to her."

"What the hell? And have dad all up my ass?! Hell no! I'm not about to deal with dad over some girl."

"Some girl? You just said all this stuff about how she makes you feel and now you're just like...she's just some girl?"

"Bro, I had a moment. Now the moment is gone."

He said as he was staring at some girl that just walked in the house. He stood up and walked over to her. I stay seated because I am so confused on what just happened right now. I realize I still had his phone. I haven't looked at Brixlee's Instagram since before the incident. I didn't want to be reminded of her, so I blocked her. Then with the whole thing with me showing up at her house, and her not wanting anything to do with me. I clearly got the hint. So me looking at her shit would do nothing for me. But, Cora isn't Brixlee. I start going through Cora's pictures. I see Brixlee in a group photo. The caption says Prom. Brixlee looks so beautiful. I'm not just saying that because her hair is done, she has makeup on, and a nice ass dress, but she genuinely looks beautiful and happy. I start to laugh because I see her wearing vans instead of heels. That's my girl. My girl? I fucking wish.

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