The Melgoza's

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Chapter 7: The Melgoza's

"Jasper! What time are you heading home?!"

I don't know why my brother cares about what time I'm heading home. It's not like he comes home for Thanksgiving, or any holiday break. I don't feel like yelling either. He can walk his ass to my room if he wants to know. I need to hurry up and finish packing so I can beat traffic.

"I'm ready JB whenever you are."

"Damn Troy, what did you pack? Just your woman's underwear? That shit was fast."

"Shut up. I'm planning to just be naked the whole break with Esme. Didn't need to pack much. I'm already ready for her. Letting Troy Junior be boxer brief free before he gets stuffed into her vigina."

I throw a pair of folded socks at his face.

"Your balls ain't touching my seat without no briefs."

Troy laughs.

"Im just joking. Always so grumpy."

I look back in my drawer as he walks away and see the picture. My beautiful Brixlee. I should call her. No. Text her? No, there's no point. I can't just randomly text her. Last time I saw or talked to her was on Halloween. Damn, that was the best Halloween I ever had. The best sex I ever had, the best everything. But, she left without saying anything and I'm not chasing her.

"Bro, what time are you leaving?"

Jett finally decides to walk to my room and ask the question instead of yelling. I hurry and cover the picture with my socks.

"Soon. Why?"

"So I can be ready."

"Ready for what?"

"To go home."

"You're coming home for Thanksgiving break?"


"Why? You never come home for any holiday."

"I miss my mom."

He says as he laughs and walks away. We both know that isn't true. Now I'm curious on why he wants to go home. Is he mad because I got Brixlee and he didn't on Halloween? I finally got something he couldn't. I better keep a close eye on him to make sure he stays away from her. My phone vibrates. A text from Erica.

Hey baby. I can't wait for you to come home. I'm wet just thinking about all the things I'm going to do to you.

I'm heading straight there when I get back into town. Some sex can help me relax. My brother coming home has me all stressed and tensed now.

I hurry and finishing packing. Then I head downstairs.



Greg walks over to me.

"Don't get fat on me stuffing your face with turkey. We are starting next game."

Yup. Next game. Just what I want to think about. My brother is a junior and the starting quarterback, which is my spot. I have speed, so now the college coaches want me as a wide receiver. How fucked up is that. I have to change my position because of my own brother.

"I'm a Melgoza, you know how we get down with food."

He laughs.

"Oh and tell Lee I said hi."

"I probably won't see her."

"Why? Don't you live in the same town?"

"Yeah, but it's not like that with me and her."

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