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Chapter 8: FUMBLE

"Hon, we are leaving."


"Are you feeling okay? You just stayed on the couch all day."

"I'm fine. I just want to relax today."

"Okay then. See you later."

Finally some peace and quite. Esme is out with Troy and my parents just left to go Black Friday shopping. I'm exhausted and stuffed from Thanksgiving. I ate at my house, then went to Knox's house. Meeting his family was so surreal. I'm in an actual adult relationship. It's nice. He wanted to hang out with me today, but I just needed some time to myself. The only time I have had time to myself for the past week is when I'm sleeping.

As I'm trying to relax, I can't get Jasper out of my mind. When I invited him to my family's BBQ I thought we can build a friendship. I know what he has done to me is messed up, but if he's going to be around on holidays because of Esme and Troy, then I'm just trying to not make it awkward between us. As usual, we talked and things were left on good terms, but then the Thanksgiving festival happened. He just stood there and watched as his stupid friends were laughing at Megan. She got stage fright and froze when it was her turn to line dance. I have had enough of those assholes thinking they are better than everyone else. Thank god my dad let me take line dancing classes when I was fourteen. It was a short phase I had, but it worked out in the end. Megan didn't win the competition, but me joining her on stage made it fun.

Who's knocking on my door?

I open it. Jett?

"Ummmm what are you doing here?"

"Hey, I need your help."

"My help? With what?"


"You need help with your own brother and you come to my house? You can leave."

I tried closing the door, but he stopped it.

"Look I'm sorry I was a fucking asshole okay, but my brother needs help. He won't listen to me."

"If he won't listen to you, then why the hell do you think he will listen to me?!"

"Because he cares about you. I thought you were just another hook up, but the way he was with you at the party, and the way he stands up for you, I know it's more than that. It has to be, for him to not stop drinking. He's been drinking since the night at the festival. He saw you kiss your boyfriend and then he disappeared. I came home to him drunk, and he hasn't stopped. It's not like him."

Why would he care about me and Knox? I saw him all over Erica, then Samantha. He was clearly occupied that night. I can't go over. Me trying to be civil when he's around Esme and Troy is one thing, but me intentionally going to his house to see him is a whole different story. I can't do that to Knox.

"Well, where are your parents? Cant they help him?"

"They are both out of town. My dad is somewhere with whomever, and my mom is out drinking somewhere. She's never home. He only has me right now and I'm not enough."


"He's not answering the phone."


What am I doing?! I put on my shoes and follow Jett to Jasper's car. It feels weird seeing him in the drivers seat.

As we drive I look over at Jett. He has a concerned look on his face. Is Jasper doing that bad? For Jett to actually care about someone other than himself, it must be that bad.
We pull up to two huge black gates. He enters a code and the gates open. The house is a damn mansion. I never seen it before. It's up a private hill so I never drove up. He stops the car and I get out.

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