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Chapter 6: Devil

"Brix! Angel or Devil?"

Why my sister is trying to decide on which Halloween costume to wear at 8:37 in the morning is killing me. I was out all night with Knox. Dating can be exhausting. Fun, but exhausting. I need sleep.

"Why do you need to know now Esme? Halloween starts at night."

"Yeah, but I need to look absolutely perfect tonight. I'm going to a halloween party at Troy's college."

Troy's college? The same college that Jasper goes too. I haven't seen or heard from him in about two months. Why am I thinking about him? I hate him. Do I? Things are going great with Knox. He treats me so good and is the perfect boyfriend. Why am I explaining this like I'm trying to prove to myself that Knox is the one for me. He is. Isn't he? All we have done so far is kiss. I know he wants to do more, but I just, I don't know. This is ridiculous. Knox is who I should want. He is the definition of every girls dream boyfriend.

"I want to go."

What the hell did I just say.

"You want to come with me to the party? You know that Jasper will probably be there."

"Yeah I know. I don't care. So I was thinking, for today only, since it's Halloween, you and Cora can give me a makeover that goes with that sexy devils costume."

My sister stays silent.


"Come pinch me so I know this conversation is real."

"Shut up."

"You. My weird little sister, wants a makeover? Is this really happening?"

I laugh.

"Yes Esme. It's Halloween, put a mask on me. Make up, hair, whatever you want. Make"

"Oh my fucking god. It's happening! Mom it's happening!"

My sister yells and runs down the stairs to tell my mom. This is getting out of hand already. Then my phone rings. It's Cora.


"Is it true?! Your sister said you want a make over for a sexy devils costume?"

"Wow news travels fast. Yes Cor it's true, and you better come to the party too."

"I have dreamed about this my whole life!"

"We haven't known each other our whole lives."

"You know what I mean! I'll tell my mom to save us a chair at the salon! I have so many ideas on what to do with you."

"Ooooo god I can just imagine."

"Meet me at the salon."

"Right now?"


Cora hangs up the phone.


My phone rings again as I'm walking downstairs. Lani. I already know why she's calling, but I answer anyways.

"Yes I'm getting a makeover."

"I'm so excited! I'm meeting you guys at the salon!"

"You and Zeek come to the party with us."

"I wish we could, but we already made Halloween plans with Zeek's family. I'll be there for the whole makeover process though."

"Okay see you there."

"My beautiful baby girl is finally going to be....a girl!"

My mom shouts as she hugs me.

"Mom it's for a costume."

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