Family Day

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The next day Nadine noticed that people were everywhere. She looked at Melody confused. "What's going on?"

"It's family day...the patients get to spend the day with their visitors."

Nadine shook her head, still confused, "I thought they could come at any time?"

Sarah smiled "Yeah they can, but today is special because they have brunch in the cafeteria. EVERYONE all together."

"Oh...well then maybe I should go home."

She started to turn around towards the exit, when she slammed into someone knocking her over.

"Oh shit! Are you ok?" She heard someone say.

She got up, dusted herself off not looking at who stood in front of her, "Yes you idi...'' her mouth dropped as she stared into a pair of beautiful brown eyes.

"I know I'm an idiot, sorry!"

Instantly, she was flushed with embarrassment. "Oh I'm sorry it was just an impulse. You must be here to see Kevin...I mean Scott!"

The man chuckled "As much as he thought you were clueless. I'm AJ by the way."

"Yeah! I know." She beamed.

"Come on, you have to meet everyone..." He pulled her down the hall. "I can't believe that you were trying to sneak out of here without seeing him"

Nadine shrugged and felt her stomach coil as she entered the crowded room. All eyes fell on her and she felt she might pass out.

"Are you ok cutie?" AJ asked as he flashed her a smile.

"Yeah sorry..." Nadine wasn't sure if she should squeal out that she knew they were the Backstreet Boys or just play along. Her eyes fell upon Scott who sat watching her with such intensity in his green eyes. " must be his friends?"

They all nodded with wide grins.

"I'm Brian" The familiar blonde shook her hand.

"I'm Nick" The taller blonde flashed a playful smile.

"And I'm Howie," He winked.

The minute she saw him the first day she knew who he was, but never did she imagine she'd be standing in the same room with the whole group.

"Uh it's nice to meet you guys..."

"I thought you might not come today." Scott commented.

"No one told me it was family day. I'm sorry, maybe I should go."

"What? No way. Just don't pay attention to the grouch."

Nadine was still a little surprised, so she excused herself to take a bathroom break.

As soon as she was out of sight, AJ let out a whistle. "Damn she is a fox...wish someone like that was taking care of me." he laughed.

"Yeah I agree!" Nick added.

Scott sighed "I don't think this was a good idea. You brought her here, you should have let her go if she was leaving. Now she knows who I saw her face." He sat down disappointed.

"Uh, I don't think the girl is stupid! She knew who you were from the beginning." Brian blurted a little annoyed by his cousin.

Scott looked at him confused.

"Every single person in this god awful place knows who you are. Have you seen the young workers passing by here all the time? I didn't peg you as clueless...Kevin!"

"Hey man who cares if she knows...the whole damn world should know already." Nick crossed his arms with a pout.

Howie patted Scott's shoulder, "Yeah the media is killing us...I mean you've been out of the group for almost six months and they are still trying to figure out where the heck you went."

Scott stood up angrily "Well they're going to have to keep looking, cause I'm not going public...and I'm hoping she doesn't either."

They all nodded their heads in disagreement as Scotts mother waltzed in. The whole room went silent instantly. "Did I walk in on a secret...?" She kissed Scott on the cheek and continued with the rest of the guys.

"Hi mom...we were just talking about how shitty this place is." Scott faked a smile.

She chuckled "Hun I know you're never going to get used to this whole thing, but I can't keep up with you at home. Now where's that girl you're always talking about."

He laughed nervously as the rest of the guys smiled "I do not talk about her..."

"Hey guys I'm back..." she wiped her hands on her jeans as silence filled the room again, everyone was back to looking at her.

"Nadine, this is my mother. Mom, this is Nadine."

The woman walked over to Nadine and embraced her tight. "Oh you are doing a wonderful job with this man...he seems a little less grouchier than usual." she teased Scott. He groaned.

The afternoon went by fast and before they knew it, his mother had left and the rest were still outside in the picnic area sitting at a picnic table still chatting.

"So you got a boyfriend Nadine?" AJ asked.

She looked around the table, "No...don't have time for that." .

"Ooh you still have a chance man." Nick teased AJ making him blush.

"So you should come down to Florida with us next week. We are gonna stay at my beach house for a week! Kevin will be done with Radiotherapy by then." Nick blurted, he flashed a confused smile after getting Brian's elbow in his side.

"Oh wow! Florida? I don't think that---" she began, but was cut off by Scott.

"We understand if you can't go..."

"Well I didn't say that I couldn't...but if you don't want me to..."

He now looked down guiltily, "No...I didn't mean it that way..."

"Kevin...oops I mean Scott has a problem with making up his mind." Kevin glared at AJ and his big mouth, but AJ ignored him and continued on. "We will pay for everything. Right guys?" He insisted as they all looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"In all truth, whether he admits it or not it would do Scott well if you are there." Brian added.

"Well if it's ok with Scott?" She commented and all eyes fell upon him.

He didn't seem too convinced about Nadine joining them in Florida. Then again she did lift his spirits when she was around. He nodded as he glared at the rest of the guys

"Yeah sure!"

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