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Nadine gathered all the guts she had to enter the studio and take a seat next to Amanda, who was all smiles.

"I still need you...I still care about you...Though everything's been said and done...I still feel you like I'm right beside you...But still no word from you" they all sang together.

She was amused at each one of their expressions as they sang with so much passion.

"Now look at me...instead of moving on...I refuse to see" AJ took over with his more than beautiful voice. But Nadine's concentration was broken as her eyes met with Kevin's.

She gulped down the nervous knot in her throat, she knew he was bothered by the incident earlier this morning.

As they finished the song they all headed out to join the girls and listen to their finished product. Suddenly Kevin ran off to the bathroom and Nadine fought off the impulse to run after him, because she knew damn well that he didn't want her close. Instead Amanda got up and followed him.

"Hey listen I have something very important to tell you..." Nick took a seat next to her.

She sighed heavily Oh great what now... "What now Nick...?"

He rolled his eyes "Jeez...Nadine...what I got to tell you is good..." She motioned for him to hurry and speak up. "Well I've been having flashbacks of what happened..."

Nadine smacked him "Nick, that isn't good..."

He smiled wickedly. "Shit maybe not for you..." he laughed out loud, making the rest turn to look at them.

"Would you shut up...and talk..." he cleared his throat as Kevin rejoined the group.

"Ok...I don't think anything happened last night...well we did make out...cause I remember that...but the thing is that, that idiot over there double dared us to strip down to our undies..." Nadine's eyes almost shot out her sockets.

AJ approached the twosome, "Hey beautiful...so Nick told me about the incident with Kevin this morning...but listen, according to me nothing happened...I followed Nick to your room and well you guys were making out and all giggles."

She instantly blushed, 'three down, two to go', she thought. "Oh god...then what?"

He laughed, at least he was amused. "So I interrupted the moment and double dared you both to strip down and jump in the pool...but one of my hotties called me and well..."

Suddenly he was called over by Brian "Yo you two get your butts over here" he waved

"I'm coming...I'm in the middle of a story..." AJ turned back around to finish his story. "So I had to go...not even a minute or two later I came in and you had passed out cold on your bed. Nick here was kind enough to cover you up. So I told the idiot to put his clothes back on cause he was blinding me...by the way I used your bathroom...when I came out he was sound asleep right next to you. So, he's twice my size...I couldn't even get him to budge...I'm sorry I had to leave him there."

Nadine grabbed AJ by the arm, "AJ this better not be a bogus story that you are making up to cover the fact that I slept with Nick."

Nick looked at her a little offended. "Damn would it have been that bad woman?"

She turned to smile at him, "No...but you two know that I am only interested in one person and I don't want him to think I'm a slut...although if I think about it. I've made out with half of the backstreet boys!"

"Actually most of us." AJ grinned, counting himself . Nick's jaw fell wide open.

She smacked her forehead. "Oh my god!"

After a couple more hours in the studio the group called it a day. Kevin still had very long hours ahead of him.

"Hey Lori how is he doing?" she looked at the man fast asleep, with the tubes stuck to his arms and chest.

"Well he was a little out of it today. He has been a little sick to his stomach, but he is doing much better now."

Kevin opened his eyes slowly and was bothered by Nadine's presence. "What are you doing here?"

She looked at him as nurse Lori made her way out of the room. "I'll be back Kevin" she shut the door behind her.

"I wanted to talk to you...it's important that I explain myself."

He smirked "Listen Nadine quite frankly I don't give a shit what you do with your life. Who am I to keep tabs on who you fuck around with."

Nadine stood next to him, "You don't understand. I didn't--"

He looked away. "I think your time is up. You should go back to school and your regular life. My feelings are getting in the way of my recovery...and quite frankly you are making things complicated for me!" She placed a hand on his chest, but he brushed it away.

"Kevin, what are you saying?"

He took a deep breath. "I think that you should go back home...it's better for you and for me."

"I don't want to go. I want to stay here with you. What you saw was all a misunderstanding."

"I need you to GO! I want you to go!" He demanded loudly, making her jump.

She pursed her lips and sniffled back the tears that were already running down her face. It hurt to see him so angry. She didn't know if she could stand being away from him. "Ok. I'll leave if that is what you want...I will go"

His hands curled into fists and he felt the tears sting his eyes. He couldn't even respond, because he knew that his voice would break. So, he watched in silence as she trudged out the door.

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