The Interview

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Three days later the group arrived at the house that Kevin had rented. It was a beautiful house up in the hills, way larger than what Nadine was used to. A big pool was nestled in the backyard and the trees almost hugged the sides of the house.

She entered her room and gasped at the sight of the balcony that overlooked the city. "Oh my god this place is amazing."

"I knew you would like it!" Kevin joined her on the balcony.

"It is Kevin...I've never seen the city this close in my life." He stared out into the distance.

She looked at him a little concerned, "You're nervous aren't you? You look like you're going to be sick all over the place!" Nadine touched his forehead. "You've got a fever"

He gently grabbed her hand. "I'm fine Nadine...really?"

"That's what you always say and what happened on the flight." She continued to ramble on, but he wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying. He was just watching her mouth move, now, he was the one wondering what it would be like to kiss her.

"Hello are you listening to me..." she waved her hand in his face. "You have to take care of yourself if you really want to do this..."

He shook his head like a little boy, "I will. I promise." with that said he exited the room. When he entered the living room he found the rest of the guys still exploring the place.

Brian inspected his cousin. "Hey there cuz are you ok? You look like--"

Kevin cut Brian off ,"I'm going to be sick right? Well I'm's just I'm a little nervous about this decision...I'm not sure I want to go public..."

They all looked at each other with concern. "Come on Kevin you can't change your mind's only the right thing to do." Amanda said as she set her suitcase down, they were all surprised to see her standing in the doorway.

"Yeah like you know anything about what he's gone through." AJ muttered.

"I still don't understand why you invited her here...she's a pain in the..." Nick added still in a whisper.

"Please guys...she wanted to come, and we are going to give her a second can someone show her to her room." All four guys stood around looking at each other's faces, waiting for the courageous one to volunteer.

"It's ok I'll show her" Nadine appeared from the hallway. "Come on Amanda, your room is down the hall..." Amanda didn't even speak to her and just followed silently.

The two women entered the room, Amanda set her things on her bed. "He'll never go for you...not while I'm might as well just leave...he has me now." She violently spoke.

Which made Nadine laugh out loud. " you're so reliable. Will you still be here when the reporters start stalking you and hounding you about him? When they start saying nasty and mean things about him or you? When his hair falls out and he can't even get up on his own? If you are going to be here then you have room to talk to me like that, but if you ran from it once, you'll run again. So, when you do...I will be here." She slammed the door. Amanda just huffed as she threw herself on the bed angrily.

A few days later, everything had been set up for the long awaited interview with Kevin. They'd picked a reporter, Emily Pines, from VHI to interview them; she'd been sworn to secrecy, but they weren't too convinced it would stay that way once she left.

Nadine fixed Kevin's tie as he breathed in, "It's going to be're just going to be truthful...don't say more than you want to...they don't need all the details of your life."

He suddenly embraced her tight and she comfortably wrapped her arms around him. "Thanks." His lips brushed against her ear and then he leaned over a huge flower pot in the corner of the room.

"Well this time I didn't see that coming." Nadine joked as she patted his back and handed him a napkin. "It's going to be fine Kevin!" She tried smiling reassuringly, but deep down she was just as nervous.

He nodded and took a deep breath as he headed down to the living room to meet the reporters and the rest of the guys.

"Hey man we thought you had changed your mind already...come take a seat" Brian patted the empty space next to him.

Kevin took a seat as he got a glimpse of Nadine flashing him a smile from the kitchen, but it was blurred by the wave of Amanda on the opposite side.

"So which one are you going to choose man...cause they both got it bad for you..." AJ murmured as he nudged Kevin in the side.

"Would you leave him alone guys, he's nervous enough" Brian glared at the guys that kept snickering.

Suddenly the cameras were on and the reporters were more than ready to disturb Kevin with their ridiculous questions. It felt never ending for Kevin, however he sat through the whole interview. Answering question after questions; sometimes he didn't have the answer, so one of the guys would cut in to rescue him.

As it came to an end there was a knock at the door and Nadine happily opened, but her smile was wiped off as she saw the nurse with all of her equipment standing in the doorway.

"Come in" Nadine welcomed her in.

"Thank you. I'm Lori, I'm here for the chemo for Kevin Richardson..." She entered the house and looked around.

"Oh yeah...come I will show you to the room." Nurse Lori followed Nadine down the hall and into Kevin's room. They had ordered a comfortable reclining chair for him and set it in the corner of his room. Nurse Lori quickly got to work with setting up everything else.

"Does that hurt him?" Nadine asked.

The nurse smiled as she looked at Nadine's worried face, "Well it does and it will make him very uncomfortable but after the third day his body will be adjusted...I heard he is recording an album...the first days it might be hell...but he will be good after." The nurse hoped to calm Nadine with a wide smile.

It really didn't work. Nadine knew that Kevin was going to go through hell very soon.

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