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The next day she woke to the feeling of pounding on her temples. Forcefully she opened her eyes and found herself resting her head on Kevin's chest. His arms wrapped around her waist in a tight grip. It felt so nice to have body contact with someone. Lord knew how long it had been since she was held by a man. She managed to break free from his hold and sat up on the bed.

Once again she found herself gazing at him sound asleep and wondering how it would feel to kiss him. Nadine looked around the room and drew close; she was there ready to kiss him when suddenly he opened his eyes.

"Why are you staring at me?" He smiled.

She screeched with horror as she fell back and off the bed.

"Oh crap!" Scott squirmed with laughter.

"That's not almost gave me a heart attack. And I wasn't staring at you" She stood up and crossed her arms with a pout.

The shirt didn't cover much and was exposing her bare thighs. He tried to focus on her face, however his eyes kept shifting back to her thighs as he continued to laugh uncontrollably. "You should have seen your feet flying...up..."

"Well I'm glad that my clumsiness entertains you." Now they both laughed. She was happy to see him smile.

After her more than embarrassing display earlier that morning, she met up with the rest of the guys at the pier. Kevin was nowhere in sight.

"Hey I was looking for you this morning..." AJ whispered into her ear.

"Oh...I was with Kevin..." she blurted a little louder than she would have wanted to.

"So, I wonder what this is all about anyway. It's 10 in the morning and I am half asleep." Nick whined.

"I'm good as long as it has nothing to do with this boat." AJ asked, forgetting his conversation with Nadine.

"Guys just stop nagging your making me nervous" Howie bit his nails.

"Y'all know that if Kevin wants us here so early he has his reasons...let's just be patient." Brian took a seat on the side of the pier his feet dangling over the ocean, the others mimicked him.

A couple of minutes later Kevin stepped out of the boat that floated in front of them. "What the hell! You were there the whole time.?" AJ asked, trying to recall if he had said anything incriminating.

"Well let's get on the boat and I will tell you what I have to tell you."

Howie stepped on first "'re really worrying me" He was followed by Brian and then Nick.

AJ and Nadine looked at each other concerned, "Well ladies first..." AJ mockingly bowed.

"Uh...well I don't know...I'm not too fond of boats..." Nadine stepped back, they all laughed.

"Neither am I...hey I'm staying on the can tell me the important news down here." Nadine agreed with a nod, but gave in with Kevin's stern look. They both climbed into the boat and took a seat right away.

Brian seemed worried, "what's going on everything alright?"

Kevin took a deep breath and stood up. "I've decided not to go back to the hospice."

Everyone's mouth dropped in awe, "What? need their help, you can't just be out here with no medication or someone to look over you." Brian exclaimed standing next to him.

"Have you lost your brain cells too?" AJ commented, "No offense but I've heard that after a lot of X-rays things start to die."

Howie rolled his eyes "AJ please say that sentence in your head again and notice it makes no sense." AJ paused as if he was really doing what Howie asked him, Nadine felt a tickle of laughter in her throat but swallowed it, it wasn't the time for laughing.

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