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Nadine stepped out of the taxi, dragging her luggage across the LAX; her stomach flipped a couple of times. She hadn't flown in so long, not to mention with five guys.

"Hey there" A tall man with sunglasses, a cap and a trench coat talked to her. She stood trying to make out who was talking to her. "Don't even try to bullshit that you don't recognize me"

"Well as a matter of a fact no...there isn't much of you to see. Those sunglasses take up all your face." She stood confused waiting for his answer.

"Look I know that you know who I am, but I really don't want the whole world to know that Kevin Richardson is dying..."

"Kevin...I mean Scott..." Her hands flew to her mouth.

"See you're going to open that mouth of yours and you're going to put my face all over the tabloids!"

She poked his chest, "Excuse me, you're the one yelling out your name...if I wanted to do that I would have since the first day I saw you. I'm not an idiot...I'm discrete. So, how about from now on we cut the crap with Scott...because it's so damn confusing. I'm calling you, your name...Kevin."

The other four guys came strolling up to the heated twosome. They all looked at each other then, Kevin to Nadine.

"Fine!" Kevin huffed.

"Hey there" AJ wrapped his arm around Nadine's neck.

"Hi. Are you always this sly?" She pushed away slowly.

"Yes he is! Do you have to hit on every girl that you meet?" Kevin exclaimed as he stared at AJ.

"I sense some tension in the air!" Nick said, stuffing a piece of gum in his mouth. "I just hate that ear popping. Gum anyone?"

The flight was pretty quiet. Nadine sat next to Scott, who fell into a deep sleep right away. She found herself staring at him. His face had gained some color back and his lips were...well they were tempting. Her thoughts were broken by the flight attendant announcing their arrival.

Nadine's eyes were wide as she looked at the beautiful house. The beach was only a few feet away. "Oh my god this is a mansion Nick!"

They snickered, "Well not a mansion but it's pretty big. Come lets check out the beach" He turned to look at his tired friend "You coming?"

"I think I'm going to my nap guys, I gotta take my medication anyways." He began for his usual room upstairs.

"Hey do you need my help?" Nadine asked with a smile.

"Uh no...just go have fun...you came to have fun!" Kevin dimly remarked and closed the door behind him. He stood on the balcony as he watched the others run around playing in the sand.

His eyes fixed on Nadine who seemed so happy as the water splashed at her feet. Discontent he looked at the in his hand and popped them in his mouth, chasing them down with a glass of water. He laid down on his bed and continued to think about her.

He couldn't understand why he was thinking about her. Why he felt slightly jealous that they all got to experience the beach with her, while he laid in bed. He smiled, thinking how much she made him laugh, how she didn't take his shit. The way she looked at him, it wasn't like everyone else with pity. Kevin...you can't feel anything for anyone...you don't have much time. There is no time.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Back at the beach AJ and Nadine sat observing the sunset. "So what is up with you and Kevin...?"

She looked at AJ puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"I mean are you an item, or is it strictly business?"

"I was assigned to Kevin randomly. After almost three weeks he's finally opening up to me. So, I'm just a friend...a simple friend who is helping him cope. Why do you ask?"

AJ smiled, "Cause I think you're incredible."

She grinned bashfully, "AJ, you've only known me for a couple of hours..."

"Hey you two how is it going? Nadine I need to speak to you please..." Brian interrupted the twosome.

"Sure Brian" Nadine stood up and dusted herself off and followed him into the house.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concerned.

"Well I just...I think that you shouldn't really...uh...get too close to AJ"

The request baffled her. "Ok...um...is something wrong?"

"Hey what yall being so secretive about?" Kevin interrupted the conversation. Brian and Nadine looked at each other, quietly agreeing to keep him out of the loop.

"Oh I was just telling Nadine that you look better."

Kevin smiled weakly, "Oh!"

Nick approached the group. "Hey I've decided to have a party tomorrow guys. Ok with you?"

They all nodded, but turned to look at Kevin.

It irritated him when they looked at him with those 'feel sorry for the sick guy' eyes. 'I can't promise I'll be up to participating, but it's ok with me."

Everyone headed to bed, except for Nadine and Kevin. Who stayed behind standing outside watching the waves crash into each other.

"So how was your day with AJ?"

She smiled, sensing jealousy in his voice. "Good, he thinks he's pretty slick. He's in for a surprise because I'm not falling for it. How about you, how was your nap?"

He sighed, remembering he had thought about her more than he had slept. "Good..." the twosome had made it to the hallway where her room was. They stood in awkward silence. "Well I guess I should let you get to bed, especially, if there is going to be a party here these guys are gonna be up early."

She smiled at his aggravation "Don't be so grouchy...enjoy yourself...tomorrow we are taking a walk..." Her hand slid down his chest. "Now get some more sleep." She leaned in and kissed his cheek, then headed to her room.

Kevin watched as she disappeared into her room.

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