Rainbow Shots

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The next morning while the guys were into preparing for the party, Nadine and Kevin took a walk on the beach. "It's beautiful out here. He is so lucky to live only feet away from this endless monster."

He smirked, "Monster?"

She giggled, "Well as beautiful as the beach is...it's...dangerous therefore, it's a monster." Kevin came to an abrupt stop, clutching his stomach. "Are you ok?"

He took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go back ok." she agreed with no hesitation.

A couple of hours later Nadine walked slowly into the room Kevin was waiting for her with a checker game. "Hey look I thought I would kick your butt at checkers..." he looked at Nadine's sour face. "What is wrong?"

"Kevin, you can't always be hiding. You have to come out...have some fun."

He stood up, "You're right I'm being selfish. As if you want to sit here and play checkers with the sick guy, when there is a party going on."

"It's not that, it's just that I hate to see that you waste the time you have left moping around."

He smirked angrily "Easy for you to say...your not fucking dying are you?"

Nadine felt a lump grow in her throat "Do you have to be so nasty about everything?" He was back to his mood swings. "I think you should get ready and come downstairs to join the p---"

"Go...go away! Go have fun with AJ...He's got all the time in the world." He jammed the game into the box.

"Why aren't you listening to me? I want you to come with--" he interrupted her again.

"I said...GO!" He turned off his light and walked out to the balcony. She walked out aggravated at how difficult and childish Kevin could be.

"Hey there I've been looking..." AJ saw the distressed look on Nadine's face. "Are you ok?"

Nadine forced a smile. "Yeah. Has he always been this difficult?"

AJ sighed heavily "Uh...yeah. Well not bitter...kinda like the dad of the group. He used to look after all of us. I think that's what kills him, that now it's the other way around. Ever since he was diagnosed he just turned really bitter. Angry at everyone, but he means no harm. We've learned to know that he's not angry at us, he's angry at the situation, but he does take it out on all of us." AJ shrugged. "Just don't let him get to you...let's go have a rainbow shot!"

She thought about what Brian had said, but AJ seemed harmless to her. Plus, he was the only one who really spoke to her and he was fun. So she took hold of his hand and they made it to the bar.

"What in the world is a rainbow shot?"

"Well it's a little bit of everything...but I call it that because it changes colors..." 

They gulped down the shots, "Not bad" she gasped as the liquor burned her throat.

A total of five shots and a couple of Martini's later the twosome slurred. "So you never answered my question?" Most of the guests had already left and Kevin had never bothered to show his face. Nadine was leaned against the wall and AJ had locked her between his arms.

"What question?" She stared into his big brown eyes. His look was hungry, nothing like Kevin looked at her, but man was she intrigued by the bad boy of the band. Who could blame her.

"The one...about you...and you know..."

She began to laugh hysterically, "Are you talking about Kevin?" She continued her laughter as he placed his hand over her mouth 

"Sssh you'll wake him up!"

Kevin laid in bed, he could hear voices downstairs, but couldn't make out who the hell it was. He was getting annoyed it was already hard to fall asleep and he was feeling nauseous. Maybe I should get a drink of water and shut whoever is out there the hell up...he sat up in his bed.

Now the twosome were extremely close and after a minute of laughter the hall became awkwardly quiet as they gazed into each other's eyes. Suddenly AJ placed his lips on Nadine's and she went along with it. Almost instantly his hands began to roam up her shirt making her uncomfortable, she pushed him away.

"AJ...what are you doing?"

Kevin still sat up but now his thoughts of a glass of water turned into thoughts of how mean he had been to Nadine. Maybe I should go and apologize. This time he walked right out to the hall no one was in sight. Down the stairs, no one. But he could still hear voices, now they were coming from the bathroom.

As he got closer to the bathroom his heart pounded fast, the voices were AJ and Nadine's. Should I just go in? No...what if I don't like what I see. However he still walked in and he found Nadine hunched over the toilet with AJ holding her hair.

"Wow...is she ok?" Kevin asked, alarmed. AJ gave him a look as he pointed to his shirt covered in vomit. "I'll take it from here bro."

After what seemed like an eternity to Nadine she popped her head up and met Kevin's eyes. "Hi" She smiled clumsily, feeling her insides warm up as he looked at her so tenderly.

He smiled too. She was such a hot mess, somehow she still looked beautiful to him. "Are you done?" He asked as he rubbed her back.

"Yeah." She answered with a deep sigh. He helped her up to wash her face. "Everything is spinning" Her body fell back, but Kevin was quick to catch her.

"Ok let's get to your room ok." He aided her to her room and she took a seat on the bed. "You should get into bed. Come on." He tried pushing her back gently.

"Wait, I can't sleep like this..." Her incomplete sentences made Kevin laugh. She stood up and grabbed a shirt resting on a chair and took her shirt off.

"What are you doing?" His eyes sprang open as he watched Nadine in her bra, struggling to find the holes to her shirt. Although he was slightly embarrassed for her, he was fascinated by what he saw. It'd been a really long time since he'd seen a woman half naked.

After her exposure she curled up on the bed while he tucked her in. "Alright now get some sleep, cause you have a sure headache awaiting you in the morning." He began for the door.

"Wait" She shouted in a panic. "Stay with me. The whole room is spinning."

He felt a flush through his body, "Uh I don't think so, the guys might get the wrong impression."

She gazed up at him, "Just please stay here with me."

Hesitantly he laid next to her, feeling his heart pounding forcefully in his chest. The warmth of her body against his made the pounding even faster. She grabbed his hands and placed them around her waist, she could feel the warmth of his body against hers and she was enjoying it.

"Can you sing to me...?"

He cleared his throat and shifted. "I don't really sing anymore?"

"You sang the other day." She insisted, "Anyways, you're only singing to me."

He leaned towards her ear and took a deep breath. "Fine...It's not that I can't live without you. It's just that I don't even want to try...every night I dream about you, ever since the day you said goodbye...give me one more chance to give my love to you, cause no one else loves you like I do."

She turned to look at him, her eyes glossy, the room was silent, peacefully silent as the two looked deeply into each other's eyes. "I love it!"

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