I Still

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"Hey there hotness!" A familiar voice startled Nadine. She turned to find Nick and AJ in a fit of laughter standing behind her. She instantly hugged on the twosome.

"Oh my god you guys. What brings you around here?"

They both looked at each other. "Well we thought you might want to come to our show at the House of Blues. It's by invitation only. It's a couple of our close friends and some lucky fans." Nick informed, as Nadine smiled from ear to ear.

"What about Kevin, he will be upset to see me there and..." Her voice broke. "He said he didn't want me near him."

"Yeah from what we've seen he needs you near. The man looks awful and he doesn't talk or do much. Just sit in that lousy chair like he's already dead." AJ nodded his head in disappointment.

"I really would like to see you guys perform. Ok." It obviously didn't take them too much to convince her. "When is the show?"

"Tonight" Nick and AJ said in unison.

"Oh. Good thing I'm off at 6 then."

That night she stood in the VIP line, with her wavy hair blowing in the wind. She'd taken extra time to look good tonight. That included some makeup and a cute summer dress. She waited patiently as the security made sure that her name was on the list. He smiled and nodded for her to enter after handing her a pass. She smiled and walked into the dark lit place, looking around as she wiped her sweaty palms on her dress. The place was small and there was a VIP section right in front of the stage. She had been there before, but it looked so different with chairs in it.

Nadine smiled as she saw Brian and AJ already sitting on their stools. They waved her down. Nadine looked around as she made her way towards the front. "Hey guys...this is so intimate." Brian smiled as he jumped off the stage and led her to her seat. "Does he know I'm here?" She asked.

Brian nodded "No, we didn't want to get him upset ahead of time. I mean not that...uh..." he stumbled on his words, as Nadine took her seat.

"It's ok Brian. I understand. I'm ready for his stubborn ass today." Nadine smiled as the lights went out and everyone took a seat.

She sat at the right side of the stage. Nick sat at her opposite, Brian, Howie, AJ and right in front of her sat Kevin. His eyes flew open when he caught a glimpse of her. She could tell that he was uncomfortable with her presence, but she didn't budge.

"Who the hell invited her?" Kevin whispered to Howie.

"I don't know Kevin, anyways stop acting like you don't want...hey are you ok? You're looking pale and you're sweating"

Kevin looked at him a little puzzled as he stood fixing his microphone, he hadn't thought about how he looked or felt, he was just in the bathroom letting out what little he had eaten. He could feel his heart racing in his chest and an awkward numbness coming over his body. He forced a smile as he wiped his forehead. "Na! I'm good, man."

The lights dimmed, as the band began to play in the background.

"Who are you now? Are you still the same Or did you change somehow?" Brian started off.

Nadine remembered hearing them sing that song over and over in the studio. Kevin glanced over at her as she looked at him a little concerned of the paleness he had acquired through the song.

"I still need you, I still care about you, though everything's been said and done, I still feel you, Like I'm right beside you, But still no word from you" as they finished that line in harmony; Howie turned to look at Kevin.

"Kevin!" Howie shouted as Kevin fell off his stool and landed on the stage floor. Nadine and Amanda instinctively ran up to the stage. Nadine taking his head in her hands.

"Kevin..." She breathed.

They all looked around at each other as the lights came back on and the fans were escorted out. The group waited until the paramedics appeared and rolled him out of the club.

"I'll meet you guys at the hospital." Nadine said as she ran to her car and jumped in.

Oh my god not yet! She thought to herself as she waited at a red light. The travel was quick, she noticed that the guy's Lincoln was already parked. She hopped out and bolted into the waiting room.

"Any news?" she questioned, they all shook their heads, concern in their eyes.

"Oh my god! What if he dies? I can't take this...it's...I..." Amanda's look was blank and she was trembling.

Nadine as much as she wasn't fond of her wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Come on Amanda let's get some coffee and fresh air. It's going to be a long night."

The guys watched the two girls walking down the hall, Nadine holding Amanda.

"Never thought I would see something like that!" AJ said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Well it seems like Amanda is freaking out again, she's bound to leave." Brian sighed with disappointment. "Then again, he probably won't be as upset as last time, I think he's over her. What do you y'all think?" he looked around.

Before the guys could answer the doctor approached the foursome "Hello there, are you family of Kevin Richardson?"

Brian stepped forward nervously, "Uh I am sir, Brian Littrell, his cousin. These our his band mates and brothers"

The man looked at all the concerned faces and asked them to take a seat. "I'm really sorry to tell you this fellas but..." his voice trailed off as Brian, AJ, Howie and Nick tried to take it all in.

"Nadine I can't do this...not again." Amanda held the hot cup of coffee in her hand, the steam floating away with the breeze. "I don't want to do it again. I just can't." she turned to look at Nadine, for the first time she could see sincerity in Amanda's eyes.

"Is that why you left last time? You didn't want to see him go?" Amanda shook her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. "But he needed you to be there...it didn't matter if he wasn't going to be with you forever...what mattered was the time that you WOULD be together."

Amanda smiled as she took a sip of her coffee "You really love him don't you, look at you, you're still standing there. All calm and positive."

Nadine looked at her a little puzzled, ready to let her know that it wasn't the case. "Well, I...care a lot about him." Amanda gave her a look. "Ok fine...I am in love with him, but I won't tell him."

"See we are almost in the same situation. I let him know I loved him, but I ran in fear of losing him. You are afraid of the same thing." she pushed her purse over her shoulder and turned to look at Nadine. "Don't let him die without knowing your feelings. Thanks for the talk." Amanda hopped in the taxi that had been parked in the entrance.

Nadine trudged her way back inside. She found Howie and AJ sitting in the lobby, their faces longer than when she had gone to get coffee. She noticed that Brian and Nick were missing. 

"Hey did you get any news?" The two men looked at each other.

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