Chapter 1: Head Over Heels

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Tsukasa is in love.

No, that's an understatement.

Tsukasa Tenma, world future star, is head over heels in love.

Who's the lucky person you may ask?

Well, it's none other than Rui Kamishiro, the director and narrator for their troupe, Wonderland X Showtime, located in Phoenix Wonderland.

You see, Tsukasa has never been in love before. At least not as much as this. Love is an unfamiliar feeling for him. Sure, his little sister Saki Tenma is always trying to explain love to him, but that doesn't really help him. Saki usually just talks about this strange "feeling" you get when your in love. She's a self-proclaimed "Love Expert".

He's been thinking about Rui a lot lately. In fact, he's thinking about him all the time. His gorgeous smile, smooth, messy hair, beautiful yellow eyes. And not just his appearance. How he always teases Tsukasa when he gets the chance, but can be serious when the situation calls. He works hard, and never fails to impress the rest of his troupe with his inventions. He's caring, kind, and compassionate.

Little does Tsukasa know, Rui's also down hard for him too. His amazing orange-yellow eyes, his soft, fluffy blonde-peach hair, his radiant smile, His bubbly and overconfident personality. God, he could go on forever. Unfortunately, he was still in class and would definitely fail if he spent the whole day dreaming about Tsukasa.

10, 20, then 30 minutes passed. It felt like forever. Finally, the bell rang. Tsukasa could hardly contain his excitement. He ran out the room and went directly to Rui's classroom. As expected, Rui was waiting for him, on his phone.

"Why hello there, future star! The roof like last time?" Rui looked up greeted with Tsukasa with a warm smile, putting his phone is his jacket pocket. 

"Hello, Rui! And yes, let us journey towards the roof!" Tsukasa agreed. They went to the roof, where, somewhere along the way, Tsukasa started complaining about how many stairs there are, while Rui chuckled lightly.

When they finally got to the top, they took a seat and unboxed their lunches. To Rui's dismay, he got a vegetable sandwich. He quickly threw it out and started eyeing Tsukasa's soda candy. Tsukasa, being how he is, sighed and gave him some.

Thank you, my beloved star!!" Rui exclaimed without trying to show he expected this, forgetting that he called Tsukasa beloved. Something he does not usually do. Usually, its just "kasa", but sometimes its "world future star", or just "star". He blissfully started eating the candy Tsukasa gave him.

"Y-you're welcome Rui..!" Tsukasa blushed intensely, while also simultaneously thinking, OH MY GOD DID RUI KAMISHIRO JUST CALL ME BELOVED? Wait. Why should i care?? Its not like he said he loves me or anything. You are a star Tsukasa, do not get excited just because your friend called you "beloved" after you share a piece of your--magnificent--luncheon. Fortunately, Rui was too busy indulging the flavor of the soda candy, that he didn't look up and see a very flustered Tsukasa, obeying his initial thoughts, as well as contradicting his latest. 

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