Chapter 10: Double Date

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warning: minimal author simping for background characters


Rui and Tsukasa went to the restaurant to meet a bickering Toya and Akito, since Akito didn't want to go but Toya made him.

"I DON'T WANNA GO WE COULD HAVE JUST CHILLED AT HOME." Akito whined, honestly sounding like a 9 year old. They didn't seem to notice the couple. Finally, after some yelling--mostly by Akito--, Toya saw Rui and Tsukasa.

"Ah, hello Rui and Tsukasa." Toya greeted, making Akito look behind him. Akito was wearing an orange and black hoodie, and Toya wore a dark blue shirt and a black sweater.

"H- hello, Akito and Toya!" Tsukasa said, suddenly way more nervous, especially since he found our Akito doesn't want to be here in the first place, but lets be honest, we all knew that.

"Lets just get this over with.." Akito grumbled. The four gays walked into the cozy cafe, and went to registration.

"Hello! Can i have the name for the reservation? If you didn't schedule one, please just take any free table!" A nice but tired but really hot lady asked, holding a clipboard. She was wearing a navy blue uniform and a white undershirt with a red tie, and had brown hair that faded into blonde at the ends tied into a ponytail, and clear glasses covering her brown eyes.

"Yes, uh, Rui Kamishiro." Rui replied.

"Rui Kamishiro.. Rui Kamishiro.. Rui- Ah! Here you are! You're reserved for table 3, for no less then four people. Correct?"


"Alright! A waiter will come to take your order soon. I hope you enjoy your food."

After saying thanks to the hot mommy, the group went to their table.

"So, Tsukasa, how is your troupe?" Toya asked, trying to start conversation.

"It's actually going well! We did a new show, starring a new song 'Literary Nonsense', and its going pretty well! Though Rui still tries making me do all his crazy ideas." Tsukasa answered.

"You went with all of them except an underwater show.." Rui said, collecting his memories.

"Well I'm sorry, but even a great star such as I could not do a whole show underwater!" Tsukasa argued, staying firm to his decision.

""You could at least try!!"

"And fail? I'd rather not."

The two argued like this for a while, until the waiter came and they quieted down.

"Hello, what would you like to order? Take your time!" Said the super cute waiter. She wore a black suit with a red tie, and had blonde hair and brown eyes. The waitor was holding a notepad and pen, ready to take anybody's order (hows about you take my order in bed bbg).

All four homos took their menu and started scrolling through. This café had usual café/bakery food, like croissants and pie, and drinks + desserts, like Coke, smoothies, and ice cream.

"I'll take um.. pancakes and a strawberry smoothie." Akito answered.

"I'll have a cookies and cream cheesecake, with a diet coke." Toya ordered, as prepared as ever.

"Could i get a matcha cheesecake and pink lemonade?" Tsukasa told the waiter. (Matcha cheesecake is so good i recommend)

"Pepsi and... strawberry short cake." Rui said.

"Alright! The chefs will be ready with your order in about.. 10 minutes!" The waiter i would totally date left after they thanked her, and the group started talking about their shows. Akito explained that they've been playing with a bunch of new groups for side gigs as RAD DOGS, but still plays a lot of shows with Vivid Bad Squad. Tsukasa said that his troupe, Wonderland x Showtime has been doing really good, and selling tickets out fast. The kids just can't get enough, and there are tens of hundreds of smiles in the audience! Even Nene is having fun. After some time passes of the group exchanging conversation, the yummy waiter came, bringing their food. The four boys thanked her and ate.

"How is Kohane and An may i ask?" Rui asked

"Gay." Akito answered.

"Good." Toya responded at the same time. Tsukasa started laughing, Rui joining in. After a while of just eating and talking, They soon finished their food and got ready to leave. Everyone went outside and said their goodbyes, depating. Tsukasa and Rui went the same way, while Akito and Toya went the opposite way together. After a bit of walking, they reached Rui's house.

"I had fun today." Tsukasa told him

"Me too. We should do this again some time." Rui answered

"I agree. It was also nice having friends with us. Now, I've got to go. Bye Rui!"

"Bye Tsukasa~"

The blonde went back to his house, not expecting Saki to be sitting on a chair in front on the door.

"So? How was it? Don't keep your sister waiting!" Saki asked. "I want to know EVERY detail."

"Well, we just talked with Akito and Toya about how our friends and groups are doing, and-" Tsukasa started.




"I'm being for real."

"NOOOOOOO..." Saki grieved a romantic moment lost. "I'm going to my room.."



After Saki left, Tsukasa decided to go to sleep also, feeling quite tired after the date he had. He went to sleep, happy and content.

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