Chapter 4: Discovery

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The next day, to his relief, Tsukasa had not seen the stranger like he did yesterday. The previous day, when he came home from school, the shortie put the Post-It on his desk. After his morning classes, Tsukasa rushed to go get Rui, who, as he expected, was waiting for him outside of class, lunch in hand.

"Ah, hello Tsukasa!" Rui greeted.

"Good afternoon, Rui!" he waved. "Shall we?"

"We shall." And at that, they went to their usual lunch spot, the rooftop, where they met up with a very energetic Emu, as always. And a very tired but mean Nene, also as always.

"WAHAHA!! HELLO TSUKASA AND RUI!! TODAY IS A VERY WONDERHOY DAY!!" The pink haired girl yelled, doing her little hand gesture she always does when saying wonderhoy.

"Hi Rui, Tsukasa." Nene said. Clearly, she pulled an all-nighter playing video games. Not unusual.

"Hi Emu and Nene! I agree, today is very wonderhoy!" Tsukasa replied, to which made Emu giggle.

"Hello Nene and Emu!" Rui smiled. Emu started talking about Phoenix Wonderland, and Rui told her some of his many ideas as an response, with Emu saying a bunch of ideas of her own, and boy, did she have a LOT of ideas. Rui said he could make some happen! Some others were thought over, and the group would find ways to improve it. No matter what, all ideas were wrote in a group notebook, excluding joke idea's. In all honesty, Tsukasa used to be afraid of what new idea Rui has in store for him. Now though, he feels anticipation and excitement. He admired Rui's creativity. Some might go so far as too say he adored hi- I mean, it. Tsukasa's started to drift from Rui's creativity, to Rui in general. His heart burst whenever he thought of how-

"Tsukasa? TSUKASA!!!!" Emu shook him in an effort to wake him out of his trance. Unfortunately for him, it worked.

"Wha- oh. Sorry guys-!" Tsukasa apologized. Nene sighed, Emu was still shaking him, this time for fun, and Rui just looked relieved. "I'm sorry I worried you." Tsukasa added.

"No no, we're just glad your okay. You've been out of it for like, 10 minutes." Rui explained. "Lunch's about to end any minute now." And as if on queue, the bell rang. Ugh lunch's over, Tsukasa thought, well at least I have Rui with me.

"Oof, the bell rang. We gotta go. Bye guys." Nene said, taking Emu with her. Emu let out a sad "goodbye..." before she left though.

"I hate math." Tsukasa groaned, and Rui chuckled.

"It's not THAT bad."

"Well that's because your super smart!" And he could have sworn he saw a faint blush on the other boys face.

"A-anyways, we're here." Rui said, and they went in and took their seats. About halfway through class, Rui gave Tsukasa a note, saying, "can I come over after school?" The blonde was a bit surprised at his sudden request, but he shook it off and gave Rui a quick nod. It seemed like forever, but finally, school was over. After his math class, Tsukasa had science and ELA. He liked ELA. Science? Not so much. On the other hand, Rui had civics and gym. He hates civics, but mildly likes gym because sometimes the teachers would let him test some minor robots. When Tsukasa exited the building, he found Rui waiting outside. They started chatting about their shows, progressing into snacks, then the conversation turned into funny moments as a child. After a brisk 10 minute walk, they arrived at the future stars house.

"My thanks for having me, especially since I just asked you out of the blue." Rui thanked him.

"Any time, Rui! Now come on, lets go to my room!" replied an excited Tsukasa. After all, is not every day your crush comes over. The two entered the blondes room, Rui slightly surprised at how nice and minimalist it was. He was honestly expecting a glamorous room, full of posters and what not. Here, there was only a single one, of their own troupe, not counting a wall art of a big star.

Rui sat on his bed, and the blonde went out to get some board games. While he was gone, the purple haired boy spotted something on his desk.

A.. Post-It?

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