wolf headcannons cuz yes (plus jimmy :D)

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wolf is a barbie stan. he has watched every movie, series, he knows all the lyrics to her songs. and he knows every single characters name by heart

wolf loves animals, like he really loves them

oh yeah, im 100% sure he sees hwangmo as more than just a subordinate. he wont admit it but he probably sees hwangmo as a friend

wolf is a bottom🤩

wolf and jimmy are a non toxic couple... surprisingly

wolf invents new insults just for jimmy (get you a boyfriend that makes insults just for you)

wolf hates rain storms

wolf doesn't have a backstory, he is just some feral bush-child brought into civilization

he was probably raised by wolves and thats how he got his name 

wolf likes plushies... yeah

jimmy can cook

wolf loves jimmy's cooking

wolf is a HOMOSEXUAL

wolf has a little sister

his sister is the only person who he would publicly display affection to


i will ship wolf and jimmy until i find someone else to ship them with instead of each other

wolf is a barbie stanWhere stories live. Discover now