wolf meets his fangirls

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      wolf doesn't fear much, matter of fact, ask anyone who knows wolf what he is scared of and they will all be unsure. he is fearless in other words. he tramples over any little thing that can pose a threat and leaves whatever doesn't bother him alone. his fighting skill and strength were also immaculate, they provided full protection so he had no reason to feel fear adding to the fact that his boyfriend is also really strong, he was practically safe no matter what.

      so why exactly was he running from a group of girls? well while wolf doesn't discriminate and would beat up anyone regardless of gender, these girls just seemed to be resistant to his atacks. he threw a punch at one and she would be completly fine. he kicked another and she would continue to cchase after him. he didn't stand a chance against them, and as much as he would love to beat the crap out of them, he did feel really uncomforatable hearing someone moan, "HARDER!" every time he swung his fist at them.

      and that why the big bad wolf is sprinting down the streets trying to escape a set of girls. he darted down the road, fast as he could, but with these girls who seemed to possess superhuman powers, out running them seemed almost impossible. 

      outside the gates of yoosun high a certain boy named jimmy bae, was having a little chat with his friend jack and a few other people. it was recess time and he had nothing better to do, and there really isn't anything more fun than being a civil human being, just conversing with your pals while smoking a ciggarette. well that was until a familiar head of purple bent a coner and starting comming full speed towards the group of boys. it was a shock, never in their entire lives did they think they would be seeing the wolf keum run from something, usually he would run towards whatever danger was there.

      wolf neared jimmy, grabbing onto his arm and swinging around to hide behind his back. now, jimmy and wolf, although they have been dating for a year, had never told anyone about their relationship and were planning to keep it that way. well that was the plan. but wolf seemed to have forgotten that in the heat of the moment and yelled out to the girls,

"IM GAY!" silence fell. the yoosun boys who were whispering to each other about the odd scene had stopped, the girls that were screaming for wolf became completely quiet. that was until a girl at the back of the crowd shouted,





"WHAT! WHO?!?!?" everyone this time had screamed. wolf was in a relationship? what kind of idiot would willingly date him? 

"BITCH HIM!" wolf yelled back and then he pulled jimmy into a kiss. it wasn't anything long, just a quick peck although jimmy wished for it to be longer. 

      pure silence followed after. jimmy's friends more shocked than the girls. the last thing they were expecting was those two being in a relationship, weren't they supposed to hate each other? ever since wolf and jimmy knew each other, they have always been "rivals". last time they checked, rivals do not kiss each other.

      the girls were not taking the situation well either. the majority of them had been crushing on wolf for as long as they could remember. even though they didn't attend the same school, they would see him walking down the road or speeding through cars on his motorcycle and it was so hot. well to them hot would be an understatement. wolf was much more than hot to them. his atractiveness being something that can't be put into words. the fact that he was no longer available caused a pain so horrid in their hearts. they all lost their one and only true love to some dude.

"uh fine. im not gonna chace after a man who clearly has trash taste"

"yeah, its obvious that his type is so ew"'

      there were hums of agreement amongst the rest of the girls as they all turned and walked away. wolf let out a sigh of relief, he didn't know how long he could go with a shit ton of people trying to get into his pants. jimmy was also happy, wolf had never clinged onto him for this long. he felt like he was on cloud nine.

"hey jimmy" wolf called out, "i love you" he continued

jimmy couldn't do anything but try to hold back the most high pitched squeal.


this update ment to come like last month but im a procrastinator

anyways, hiiiiiiiiiiiii

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