them as random ass shit my brothers and i have said

50 4 0

exams r doneeeee


jake: if you think of it, spit is just mouth sweat



jake: wake up, the world is alive

wolf: well im not


jimmy: that line is crooked

wolf: your eyes are crooked


jake: liquid water


forrest: the only balls i play with are golf balls

(forrest plays golf and u cannot change my mind)


jake: i dont need to be blind to see


*jimmy and wolf texting*

wolf: *posts picture of liv*

jimmy: throw her over the wall

wolf: no

jimmy: i-

jimmy: throw karma then

wolf: still no

jimmy: i-

jimmy: throw forrest

wolf: ite

jimmy: i-


donald: now we begin the debate

donald: is pizza a pie?

jimmy: no it aint. i have no valid reasoning behind this so i shall not elaborate

jake: fair

jake: cause we all know pizza is a sandwich

forrest: h-how

jake: i plead the fifth


forrest: the air freshener in this car is giving me a headache

wolf: okay and? get good


forrest: if you dont hear from me tomorrow i was nuked

wolf: have fun!!!


ite its done. most of these were texts with me and my older brother but ye

test is done so i have no school at all heheh, i do have graduation comming up tho so i cant promise updates just yet 

bye for now hheheh

wolf is a barbie stanWhere stories live. Discover now